All of these talks are available in MP3 format on CDs
Where to obtain most of the talks below as "normal" audio CDs which can be played on a CD player
Jump to:
India Early 1974 Talks
Morning Talks
The Hindi & Punjabi talks have moved to their own
page here.
Two sessions of Meditation
Q&A, Beaumont, Ca 1955.
( Beaumont55_1 length: 74:14 file size: 8.9M)
"Ever Since the World Began" (this is a
portion of the next tape listed)
( ESTWB.mp3 length: 45:13 file size: 5.4M)
"Again and again, Masters have been coming"
Kelley Residence, Beaumont Ca.
( 27Jul55 length: 91:48 file size: 11.0M
source - 6 )
"1955 Birth Anniversary
of Baba Sawan Singh" (text) July
27, 1955
This is likely the talk that was broadcast to India via Voice of
America as mentioned in the 1955 tour
(file name: 27jul55r.mp3length 10:13, file size 1.2M)
July 29, 1955 Beaumont - portion of a talk
length: 25:59 file size: 3.1M)
July 30, 1955 Beaumont - Singing of a hymn with
translation and comments
(30jul55t.mp3 length: 64:31 file size: 7.7M)
July 30, 1955 Beaumont - Meditation instructions,
post meditation discussion and talk
length: 65:42
file size: 7.9M)
August 3, 1955 Hollywood, Ca (continued: with
meditation instructions and post meditation Q &A)
( 3Aug55 Part 2 length: 64:35 file size: 7.7M)
Portion of a talk given in Beaumont, Ca August 8,
1955. Tai Ji singing and then translation/comments.
( 8Aug55_1 length: 67:07 file size: 8.0M)
Portions of a talk given in Santa Barbara, Ca
August 8, 1955
( 8Aug55_3 length: 36:36 file size: 4.4M)
1963-64 Tour
Michigan '63
Fountain Street Baptist Church, Grand Rapids, Mi. length: 78:04 file size: 9.4M
First of a multi-talk series in Grand
Rapids. This recording has more problems than most of the rest:
missing gaps, a large section that was recorded / copied at a
much lower level than the rest, etc. However it has been patched
together reasonably well and has generally very good audio. The
talk "The Esoteric Side of Religion" is also part of this
series. (source recording hasn't been located yet)
Merill Hall, Carmel CA "Master of Truth"
82:30 file size: 9.9M
Merill Hall, Carmel CA
73:15 file size: 8.8M
Sparr Heights Community Center, Glendale CA
50:05 file size: 6.1M (source
recording for this talk is incomplete)
Temple, Glendale Ca.
84:26 file size: 10.1M
"Man's True Purpose on Earth" - Bace's Hall, Hollywood, Ca.
81:29 file size: 9.8M
Instructions to new initiates - Bace's Hall , Hollywood Ca.
59:20 file size: 7.1M This file doesn't qualify
for "lost" as a "cleaned up" version exists
in the 14 CD set available from Ruhani Satsang.
Evening talk at Cowan Heights Ranch.
(length: 90:11 file
size: 10.3M)
is True Living?" (12/11/63: Baces Hall in Hollywood,
California). (text) In this
classical talk Master describes those positive values
a satsangi should cultivate in his daily life such as
truthfulness, humility, silence, right diet, chastity,
pure thoughts and good character. Published in October 1975 Sat Sandesh.
( K13-11dec63.mp3 length: 79:58 file size: 9.2M )
"Readings from St. John" - December 13, 1963
Harmony Grove, Ca. (text)
Sant Bani notes: "The Path According to St. John"
(12/13/63: Harmony Grove in Escondido, California). Master,
in this talk, opens a Bible and discourses on the words of Christ
taken from the gospel of St. John. Very interesting talk which was
published in the December 1975
Sat Sandesh.
(file name: 13dec63.mp3length: 62:49 file size: 7.5M, source:1)
First Thing Is Love" (12/15/63: Harmony Grove in
Escondido, California). "A satsangi must, in his
conduct, reveal that he is a follower of a true Master. Your
life should prove it. And what do Masters prescribe for
that? Love God, and all creation." Printed in September 1976
Sat Sandesh.
(K16-15dec63.mp3 length: 33:00 file size: 3.8M)
afternoon talk at Unity Temple, Santa Ana Ca.
66:26 file size: 8.0M
evening talk at Unity Temple, Santa Ana Ca.
77:44 file size: 9.3M
Beaumont, Ca pre-meditation talk
10:21 filesize: 1.2M
"Harmony" (9/2/63: At Mr. Khanna's home in Washington,
D.C.). This talk was in response to a question asked of
Master (and long since
broken off
original tape), "What can we do to promote
harmony among the groups?" Master stresses the need of
forgiving and forgetting and not
listening to
rumors, etc. A very beautiful talk. Text in February 1975 Sat Sandesh
(K05-63.MP3 length 33:01 file size: 3.8 M)
"The King of Our Hearts" preceded by bhajan (9/2/63: Khanna
home in Washington, D.C.). This talk was given in
memory of Baba Sawan
Singh, Master's Master. The talk is published in the April 1976 Sat Sandesh.
(2) "Brief Talk on a Hymn by Kabir" ( immediately following the
on this tape). This talk has never been published. (3) A
brief, sweet, and sometimes humorous talk was given
that same evening by an Indian sister
explaining how she came
to Master's feet. Master added a few comments of His own to
the story.
(K06.MP3 length 87:20 file size: 10.0 M)
"Be True
to Your Own Self" (9/16/63: Washington, D.C.). This
talk refers to a story of Baba Sawan Singh that is not on the tape
which was entitled,
"The Fakir and the Horse Thief.
" This story, as well as the text of the talk, appear in the June 1976 issue of Sat Sandesh.
(K07-16sep63.MP3 length 66:25 file size: 7.6 M)
in the Color of God" (9/17/63: Khanna home in
Washington, D.C.). Discourse on hymn of Kabir on how the Masters
are God-
intoxicated and how we also can obtain that condition. Text
appears in September 1976 Sat
(K08-17sep63.MP3 length 40:24 file size: 4.6 M)
WCAU radio interview (text), Philadelphia PA
34:58 filesize: 4.2M This file is also
available in the cassette offerings
A public
talk given in Boston in October 1963. This is a very good
introductory talk on the Path and quite clear.
(K08-B_Oct63.MP3 length 44:14 file size: 5.1 M)
at the Second Church" (10/9/63 - Boston). This is an
introductory talk with an interesting addition - Master spends
minutes of the talk discussing the difference between outer simran
and inner Simran. Talk is preceded by a bhajan sung by Tai Ji.
(K09-9oct63.MP3 length 71:17 file size: 8.2 M)
"The Yoga
of the Attention" plus questions and answers
(October 11, 1963 Unitarian Church in Franklin, N.H.). A
very good explanatory talk on
Surat Shabd Yoga. It was in this talk that Master mentioned
for the first time and, in effect, "created" Sant Bani
(K10-11oct63.MP3 length 78:13 file size: 9.0 M)
"Justice and
Grace" (text) - October 12, 1963
Calais, Vt.
(file name: 12oct63.mp3 length: 18:54 file size: 2.2M)
"What is a True Satsangi?" (text
- talk begins at about 15:00) - November 14, 1963
Sant Bani notes: This talk begins
with one of the most humorous and yet informative question and
answer sessions ever
recorded. Master makes some strong and thorough
statements on the reasons why
one should use neither eggs nor tobacco. In the talk
itself Master emphasizes that Saints come to make us
friends, not slaves.
Text is found in March
1976 Sat Sandesh.
(file name: 14nov63.mp3length: 66:39 file size: 8.2M,
source 2)
Message to the Blind" (November 1963: Louisville,
Kentucky). Master addresses a group of the blind and speaks
on "real" blindness and sight according to the Saints.
( K11-nov63.mp3 length: 51:29 file size: 5.9M )
(file name: 25dec63.mp3length: 57:11, file size: 6.9M, source 2)
Brief talk on the World
Fellowship of Religions (12/25/63: Houston). The
problems of bringing so many men of different faiths
together. A bhajan by Tai Ji added at end.
length 16:48 file size: 1.9 M)
St. Petersburg, Fl. Toffenetti Hotel talk
44:16 filesize: 5.3M
Karma and the Nature of Sin" (1/1/64: Perrin home in
Miami, Florida). A very informative talk with the greater
part of it centered on a thorough discussion of karma as
Master answers in detail many questions on the
subject. Master lays emphasis on the fact that there
is also a law of grace. Printed in December 1976 Sat Sandesh.
length 61:55 file size:7.1)
Talk in Florida" (1/2/64: Perrin home in Miami, Florida).
An intense and moving talk by Master; He was, during this
night, suffering with a barely audible and hoarse voice.
length 41:03 file size: 4.7)
Question and Answer
Session (1/3/64: Perrin home in Miami,
Florida). This gathering happened the
morning after the first talk on this tape
and Master's voice is normal again. There
is a detailed discussion on vegetarianism
with quotes from Christ (from Essene
Gospel) on the subject.
length 20:12 file size: 2.3)
"The Things Love Knows" (l/7/64: Perrin home in Miami,
Florida). "When you know love, you cannot hate anybody. You
will never think evil of others, never speak evil of others. You
will never suffer to hear evil of others; you will never see
evil in others. Love knows all these things." Published in May 1976 Sat Sandesh.
length 58:46 file size: 7.0)
Talk at the Ewing's house - January 15, 1964;
Coral Gables, FL.
(file name: 15jan64.mp3length: 40:07, file size: 4.8M, source:
"The Whole System Is Wrong" (1/18/64:
Khanna home in Washington, D.C.). This informal question and
answer session touches on many interesting and varied
topics: the three gunas, chastity, birth control, the plight
of the Doukhobors (a religious group who opposed
sending their children to the public schools because such
schools do not teach right living), how television and night
clubs ruin us, on spiritualists and so forth. A very frank
talk. Printed in November
1975 Sat Sandesh. (HTML)
(K20-18jan64.mp3 length 62:18 file size: 7.1)
Talk and commentary on the intoxication of love
and the Master - January 19, 1964; T.S. Khanna's house,
Washington D.C.
(file name:19jan64.mp3length: 62:03, file size: 7.4M, source:
Birthright to Be God" (l/19/64: Friends Meeting House in
Washington, D.C.). Master tells us that we have a
higher goal than our present state of being. "Whoever
has got the human body has the
birthright to become God, I tell you. There is no
exaggeration about it." Printed in March 1975 Sat Sandesh
length 68:57 file
size: 7.8)
Is a Series of Interruptions" (l/20/64: Khanna home in
Washington, D.C.). Master points out, in this informal
question and answer session, that no one's life
is all smooth and there will, indeed, be
interruptions. But initiates have a great benefit
here. "You have got something to give strength to your soul.
If you're regular in your meditations, they will not have a
pinching effect." Published in the December 1976 Sat Sandesh.
length 20:35 file
size: 2.4)
"Separation" (l
/20/64: Khanna home in Washington,
D.C.). Tai Ji sings a bhajan that Master
wrote to His Master, Baba Sawan Singh
about the anguish that He feels being
separated from Him. Master then discourses
on it. "This state of mind cannot be
expressed in words. It has not
been given to words to express the
feelings of the heart, the yearning of the
heart." A beautiful talk.
Published in August 1976
Sat Sandesh. Note: listed
below as "A Prayer from the Disciple to the Master:
Don't Forget Us"
(K20-20jan64.mp3 length 23:37 file size: 2.7)
"Three Questions" Kirpal Singh asked his Master
Baba Sawan Singh Ji Maharaj
(file name: 21jan64.mp3length: 51:03, file size: 6.1M,
source:1 )
talk - Cologne Germany
42:70 filesize: 5.7M Noise
reduction has created some distortion of this and following
talk - Cologne Germany
length: 82:05
filesize: 9.9M
talk - Cologne Germany
length: 93:34
filesize: 11.2M
30aug72a Afternoon talk -
Nuremberg Germany
58:31 filesize: 7.0M
30aug72e Evening talk -
Nuremberg Germany
70:59 filesize: 8.5M
31aug72m Morning talk -
Nuremberg Germany
64:11 filesize: 7.7M
31aug72a Afternoon talk -
Nuremberg Germany
55:51 filesize: 6.7M
31aug72e Evening talk -
Nuremberg Germany
39:35 filesize: 4.7M
2sep72m Morning talk -
Stuttgart Germany
18:25 filesize: 2.2M
"The Way Back to God"
September 14, 1972 - Eastbourne UK
(file name: 14sep72.mp3 length: 70:27, file size: 8.4M, source
"What is Real" -
September 16, 1972 - Liverpool UK
(file name: 16sep72.mp3 length: 62:52 file size: 7.5M,
"Shabd or Word" -
September 17, 1972 - London UK
(file name: 17sep72.mp3 length: 59:25 , file size: 7.1M,
US '72 tour
"God in the manbody" - Evening talk, Unitarian Church,
Washington D.C.
54:23 filesize: 6.5M Incomplete, some gaps, good
"Aspects of the Master" - George Washington University,
Washington, D.C.
63:35 filesize: 7.3M Incomplete, some gaps, fair
8oct72ny "True Spirituality" - New York, October 8, 1972
length: 58:45, file size: 7M, source 2
9oct72ny "Who is Really a Master" - October 9, 1972 New York
68:15 file size: 8.2M, source 2
(in the alphabetical listing
below as "Man Know Thyself")
10oct72ny "Kingdom of God is Within You" - October 10, 1972
New York
68:43 file size: 8.2M, source 2
(in the alphabetical listing below as "We Must Experience What Our
Scriptures Tell Us")
11aoct72ny "How to Conquer
Death" - October 11, 1972 New York
48:47 file size: 5.8M, source 2
Boston area '72 tour
The source tapes for these talks are generally
poor copies - a lot of background noise, and other
Morning Talk - Beacon Street Motor Hotel, Brookline Ma.
45:58 filesize: 5.5M (missing sections; very weak source recording,
> 13oct72m2 < much
better recording than above 42:33
13oct72e Evening Talk -
Lowell Lecture Hall, Harvard University
53:34 filesize: 6.4M (unfavorable microphone placement)
Motor Hotel, Brookline Ma.
38:33 filesize: 4.6M (missing sections; very weak source
Interview - Beacon Street Motor Hotel, Brookline Ma.
34:05 filesize: 4.1M (relatively good recording.)
Note: this file had been inadvertently
replaced with another talk from Oct. 14. It is now the correct
file (as of 12/8/11)
Q & A - Beacon Street Motor Hotel, Brookline Ma.
9:19 filesize: 1.1M
14oct72e Evening Talk -
Lowell Lecture Hall, Harvard University
49:40 filesize: 6.0M (unfavorable microphone placement)
15oct72e Evening Talk -
Lowell Lecture Hall, Harvard University
61:41 filesize: 7.4M (unfavorable microphone placement- source recording
October 17, 1972 - Sant Bani Ashram "Come Back My Children"
(file name 17oct72.mp3length 32:42, file size 3.9M, source -
(Regretably this recording has quite a few
problems; the beginning is missing and there are
several gaps throughout, especially near the end.
Hopefully a better copy can be found)
- Phipps Auditorium "Guru and His function"
56:58 filesize: 6.8M source: DCrow
recording quality: fair
talks at Unity Church
First talk at Vancouver, a Q&A session and meditation
38:23 filesize: 4.6M source: DCrow
recording quality is mixed.
8nov72e Evening talk:
"Spirituality - what it is" This talk was also the
only video (to date)
which included
synchronized audio.
61:50 filesize: 7.4M source: DCrow recording quality: good but noisy
9nov72a Afternoon talk:
"Love and devotion"
51:21 filesize: 6.2M source: DCrow recording quality: good
talk: "Naam Bhakti"
60:11 filesize: 7.2M source: DCrow recording quality: good
10nov72pm Public
Meditation - Vancouver B.C.
26:11 filesize: 3.1M source: JH
10nov72mimt Meditation
instructions, a tally of meditation experiences and a short
41:20 filesize: 4.9M source: DCrow recording quality: fair
This is the session above
(10nov72pm) and some more material. Sound quality is poorer than
10nov72e Evening talk:
"Devotion to the Guru"
61:12 filesize: 7.3M source: DCrow recording quality: good, gaps
11nov72a Afternoon talk:
"Sense allurements and how to overcome them"
46:04 filesize: 5.5M source: DCrow recording quality: good, some gaps, incomplete
-We were loaned some very high quality recordings of the
Northern California tour stops.
We've been taking an inordinate amout of time getting
these talks organized as a set of CDs so we are
making them available here prior to the availability of
the CD album.
Afternoon Talk - Berkeley
Unitarian Church
27:40 filesize: 3.5M source: JLovelace recording quality: very good
Evening Talk - San
Francisco Unitarian Church
53:34 filesize: 6.4M source: JLovelace recording quality: very good
Pre -
meditation talk - Berkeley Unitarian Church
11:13 filesize: 1.3M source: JLovelace recording quality: very good
13nov72BerkAMed After meditation talk - Berkeley Unitarian Church
12:16 filesize: 1.5M source: JLovelace recording quality: very good
13nov72SFET Evening Talk - San
Francisco Unitarian Church
64:14 filesize: 7.7M source: JLovelace recording quality: very good
Pre - meditation talk - Berkeley Unitarian
11:51 filesize: 1.4M source: JLovelace recording quality: very good
14nov72BerkAMed After meditation talk - Berkeley Unitarian Church
27:02 filesize: 3.2M source: JLovelace recording quality: very good
14nov72BerkAT Afternoon Talk, Q & A - Berkeley Unitarian
45:49 filesize: 5.5M source: JLovelace recording quality: very good
Evening Talk - San Francisco Unitarian Church
59:30 filesize: 7.1M source: JLovelace recording quality: very good
16nov72SJPMed Pre - meditation talk - Mission Church, Santa Clara
12:14 filesize: 1.5M source: JLovelace recording quality: very good
16nov72SJAMed Post meditation talk, Q&A - Mission Church, Santa
Clara University
38:44 filesize: 4.6M source: JLovelace recording quality: very good
16nov72SJAT Darshan, Afternoon talk, Q&A - Mission Church,
Santa Clara University
27:17 filesize: 3.3M source: JLovelace recording quality: very good
16nov72SJET Evening talk - Nobili Hall, Santa Clara University
54:15 filesize: 6.5M source: JLovelace recording quality: very good
17nov72SJPMed Pre-meditation talk - Mission Church, Santa Clara
7:08 filesize: .9M source: JLovelace recording quality: very good
17nov72SJAMed Post meditation talk - Mission Church, Santa Clara
10:47 filesize: 1.3M source: JLovelace recording quality: very good
17nov72SJAT Darshan, Afternoon talk,
Q&A - Mission Church, Santa Clara
24:43 filesize: 3.0M source: JLovelace recording quality: very good
17nov72SJET Evening talk - Mission Church, Santa Clara University
61:54 filesize: 7.4M source: JLovelace recording quality: very good
18nov72SJPMed Pre-meditation talk - Nobili Hall, Santa Clara
7:58 filesize: 1.0M source: JLovelace recording quality: very good
18nov72SJAMed Pre-meditation talk - Nobili Hall, Santa Clara
13:45 filesize: 1.7M source: JLovelace recording quality: very good
18nov72SJAT Darshan, Afternoon
talk, Q&A - Nobili Hall, Santa Clara
43:11 filesize: 5.2M source: JLovelace recording quality: very good
26nov72qa Question and
Answer Session - Disneyland Hotel, Anaheim Ca.
45:19 filesize: 5.4M source - 4
(incomplete, good audio)
27nov72 Public Talk
(evening?) - Lincoln High School, Anaheim Ca.
"The highest aim that we can acheive in the
man-body is to know God"
45:20 filesize: 5.4M source - 4
(incomplete, good audio)
3dec72e -
Evening talk at the Unitarian Church at Mirror Lake , St.
Petersburg, Fl.
51:15 filesize: 6.2M source - 4
3dec72m -
Morning talk at the Sandpiper Inn, St. Petersburg, Fl.
27:31 filesize: 3.3M source - 4
(incomplete, good audio)
7dec72e -
Evening talk at the Galt Ocean Mile Hotel, Ft. Lauderdale
published as "The Coming
Spiritual Revolution"(text)
65:25, file size: 7.8M
8dec72mt - Meditation
instructions & Morning talk - Birch State Park, Ft.
length: 22:55, file size: 2.7M
Afternoon Question and Answer- Birch State
Park, Ft. Lauderdale
length: 33:40, file size: 4.0M
8dec72e -
Evening talk at Unity Center, Miami Fl.
52:46 filesize: 6.3M source - 4
(mostly complete(?), exceptionaly good audio)
8dec72e length: 54:41 filesize: 6.5M
(more complete, lower quality audio than above)
9dec72pm - Post
meditation talk - Galt Ocean Mile Hotel, Ft.
Lauderdale, Fl.
17:58 filesize: 2.2M source - 4
(incomplete, good audio)
9dec72mt - Meditation
instructions and morning talk
length: 23:32 filesize: 2.8M (another recording of the talk
9dec72qa - Afternoon
Question & Answer Session, Stranahan High School, Ft.
length: 48:46 filesize: 5.8M
India talks
September 22, 1969, Rajpur, India "Are You
the Servant of Your Mind?" (text)
(file name: LOK-16_15.MP3length: 27:27, file size: 3.3M, source
September 9, 1970 - Sawan Ashram "Become His
(file name: LOK-4.MP3length: 56:35, file size: 6.8M, source
These newly available talks
were given at the Manav Kendra - Dehra Dhun in the period
following the 1974 Unity of Man Conference. The set is available
on CD here.
23Feb74m -
Morning Talk - post meditation and a short talk
6:41, file size .8M
23Feb74a - Afternoon
Talk - on death and the inevitability of leaving the body.
length: 61:17 filesize: 7.4M
24Feb74m - Morning Talk -
post meditation and a talk on focusing attention
27:06, file size 3.3M
24Feb74a - Afternoon
Talk - all Masters give the same teachings.
length: 37:55 filesize: 4.6M
25Feb74m - Morning Talk -
welcome, short talk: "This is the house of the Father"
other brief topics
16:18, file size 2.0M
25Feb74a - Afternoon
Talk - Short talk: God, whom we praise, already resides
within us.
length: 11:44 filesize: 1.4M
26Feb74m -
Morning Talk - Welcome, meditation tally, short talk, questions
35:43, file size 4.3M
14Mar74m -
Morning Talk - Welcome, meditation tally, questions,
donations, suicide.
26:27, file size 3.2M
16Mar74a - Afternoon Talk - meditation tally, travel discussions,
questions, bhajan, talk: being with the Master
length 39:46, file size 4.8M
18Mar74m - Morning Talk -
meditation tally, questions: dreams, sleep, fear
length 35:30, file size 4.3M
18Mar74a - Afternoon Talk -
meditation tally, discussion and how to meditate. Questions.
length 17:33, file size 2.1M
20Mar74m - Morning Talk -
meditation tally, questions: animal suffering, sleep, children,
length 28:44, file size 3.4M
21Mar74m - Morning Talk -
meditation tally, short talk
length 7:31, file size .9M
24Mar74a - Afternoon Talk -
introduction and bhajan. Talk: People are afraid of death
(audio quality deteriorates as the
talk goes on)
length 37:55, file size 4.6M
25Mar74m - Morning Talk -
meditation tally, discussion. Talk: What have you done to go
back home?
length 58:33, file size 7.0M
25Mar74a - Afternoon Talk -
discussion, travel plans, singing
length 27:14, file size 3.3M
- Morning Talk - meditation tally, questions, talk: about
length 46:16, file size 5.6M
"The Coming
Spiritual Revolution" (text) - December
7, 1972 - Ft. Lauderdale, FL
(file name: 7dec72e.mp3length: 65:25, file size: 7.8M, source
"Factors Necessary for
Success on the Path" October 12, 1972 - New York (Farewell
(file name: 12oct72.mp3 length: 30:52 file size: 5.8M,
source 2)
"Farewell Address" -
January 29, 1964 - Washington D.C.
(file name: 29jan64.mp3length: 5:05, file size: .6M, source 1)
"The Fruit and
it's Casing" (text) - Febuary 15, 1966
- Sawan Ashram
(file name: 15feb66.mp3length: 31:42, file size: 3.8M)
"God is Light &
Sound" - November 18, 1972 - San Jose, CA
(file name: 18nov72sj.mp3length: 64:18, file size: 7.7M, source
"God Power, Christ Power,
Guru Power" (text) - December 25,
1963 - Houston, Tx.
(file name: 25dec63.mp3length: 57:11, file size: 6.9M, source
"Have We Forgotten the Kernel?" (text) September 20, 1969,
Rajpur, India
(file name: LOK-13_14.MP3length: 19:12, file size: 2.3M, source
"He Gives His Hand to Everybody" (text) September, 1969,
Rajpur, India
(file name: LOK-1.MP3length: 23:23, file size: 2.8M, source
"How I Met My Master" (text)
January 24, 1964 Washington D.C.
(file name: 24jan64.mp3length: 72:38, file size: 8.7M, source:
"How to Conquer Death" - October 11, 1972 New
(file name: 11aoct72ny.mp3length: 48:47 file size: 5.8M,
"Initiation is
Like a Lesson" - January 1, 1964 Miami, Fl.
(file name: 1jan64.mp3length: 61:44 file size: 7.4M,
"Justice and
Grace" (text) - October 12, 1963
Calais, Vt.
(file name: 12oct63.mp3length: 18:54 file size: 2.2M)
"Law of Karma" (text)(aka Chicago #6) October 29, 1972 - Chicago Ill.
(file name: 29oct72.mp3length: 60:38 file size: 7.3M,
"Learn to Die While Alive, So You May Begin to
Live" - January 22, 1964;
T.S. Khanna's house, Washington D.C.
(file name: 22jan64.mp3length: 44:56, file size: 5.4M, source:
"Little, Little Things" (text) - Nov 1, 1972 Chicago Ill.
(file name: 1nov72.mp3length: 53:55 file size: 6.4M,
"Love and
Intoxication" (text) - January 26,
1964 Washington DC
(file name: 26jan64.mp3length: 32:15 file size: 3.9M,
source 1)
"Lust and Anger" (text) - January 28, 1964 Washington DC
(file name: 28jan64.mp3
length : 46:56 file size: 5.6 M , source 1)
"The Manbody is the
Highest in all Creation"(aka Chicago #7) October
1972 - Chicago Ill.
(file name: oct72ch7.mp3length: 57:21 file size: 6.7M,
"Man Know Thyself" - October 9, 1972 New York
(file name: 9oct72ny.mp3length: 68:15 file size: 8.2M,
"Man Know Thyself" - 1955
recording and booklet intended to introduce the West to
Sant Mat prior to Kirpal Singh's first world tour
(file name: know-thyself.mp3length 65:53 file size: 7.9M, source 1)
"The Master's
Message of Love" (text) - December
21, 1970 Dehra Dhun India
(file name: 21dec70.mp3length: 17:06 file size: 2.1M)
"Mind is a Thief in the
form of a Friend" January 23, 1964 Washington D.C.
(file name: 23jan64.mp3length: 66:00, file size: 7.9M, source:
"Mind: A Good Servant But a Bad Master" (text) September 21, 1969,
Rajpur, India
(file name: LOK-13_14.MP3length: 19:12 (talk begins at 10:00), file size: 2.3M, source 3)
(note that begining with this tape the LOK tapes are split
into multiple talks or combined into one)
"The Mystery of Life" June
21, 1955, Washington D.C.
(file name: 21jun55.mp3length: 78:26, file size 9.4M, source:
"Nobody Has Seen God
Absolute" - November 17, 1972 - San Jose, CA
(file name: 17nov72sj.mp3length: 62:51, file size: 7.5M, source
"No New Faith, Mind
That" (text)- December 18, 1963 Tustin,
(file name: 18dec63.mp3length: 62:15 file size: 7.5M,
"On Bhajan: Do One Practice at a Time" -
September 19, 1970
(file name: LOK-11.MP3length: 10:56, file size: 1.3M, source
"On Doing Doing Your Work: Sow the Big Seed of
God" - September 9, 1970
(file name: LOK-3.MP3length: 29:19, file size: 3.5M, source
"On Sleeping, Dreams and Visions " - September
15, 1970
(file name: LOK-9.MP3length: 42:13, file size: 5.0M, source
"Our Purpose is to Progress on the Way" - October
11, 1972 New York
(file name: 11boct72ny.mp3length: 30:59 file size: 3.7M,
"A Prayer from the Disciple to the Master: Don't
Forget Us" - January 20, 1964; T.S. Khanna's house, Washington
(file name:20jan64.mp3length: 18:06, file size: 2.1M, source:1)
from St. John" - December 13, 1963 Harmony Grove, Ca.
(file name: 13dec63.mp3length: 62:49,file size: 7.5M, source:1)
"Searching and Surrender" - January 25, 1964;
T.S.Khanna's house, Washington D.C.
(file name: 25jan64.mp3length: 33:24, file size: 4.0M, source:
"Shabd or Word" -
September 17, 1972 - London UK
(file name: 17sep72.mp3length: 59:25 , file size: 7.1M, source2)
"Some World Problems Beyond the Solution of Man"
(text) September 16, 1970
(file name: LOK-17.MP3length: 55:24, file size: 6.6M,
Requires Practical Guidance" Unitarian Church, San Francisco,
November 14, 1972
(file name: 14nov72sf.mp3length: 60:09 , file size: 7.2M, source2)
"Spirituality -
what it is" Unitarian Church, San Francisco, November 13, 1972
(file name: 13nov72sf.mp3length: 60:15 , file size: 7.2M, source2)
Talk at the Ewing's house - January 15, 1964;
Coral Gables, FL.
(file name: 15jan64.mp3length: 40:07, file size: 4.8M, source:
Talk and commentary on the intoxication of love
and the Master - January 19, 1964; T.S. Khanna's house,
Washington D.C.
(file name:19jan64.mp3length: 62:03, file size: 7.4M, source:
"Three Questions" Kirpal Singh asked his Master
Baba Sawan Singh Ji Maharaj
(file name: 21jan64.mp3length: 51:03, file size: 6.1M,
source:1 )
"To Him Who is Obedient, the Keys are Given" (text) September 16, 1970
(file name: LOK-10.MP3length: 36:03, file size: 4.3M,
"True Spirituality" - New York, October 8, 1972
(file name: 8oct72ny.mp3length: 58:45, file size: 7M, source 2)
"True Temple is the Man Body" (text) September 13, 1970 Sawan
(file name: LOK-7.MP3length: 21:14, file size: 2.5M,
"The Ultimate: Full Surrender" (text) September 8, 1970
(file name: LOK-2.MP3length: 26:41, file size: 3.2M,
"Ungratefulness is a Heinous Crime" (text) September 14, 1970
(file name: LOK-8.MP3length: 35:43, file size: 4.3M,
"Very Few Really Want to Go Home" (text) September 13, 1970
(file name: LOK-6.MP3length: 25:54, file size: 3.1M,
"The Way Back to God"
September 14, 1972 - Eastbourne UK
(file name: 14sep72.mp3length: 70:27, file size: 8.4M, source
"The Way to Love"
October 28, 1972 - Chicago, Ill.
(file name: 28oct72.mp3length: 56:56, file size: 6.8M, source
"We Are ALL Children of
God" - November 16, 1972 - San Jose, CA
(file name: 16nov72sj.mp3length: 52:10, file size: 6.3M, source
" We Must Experience What Our Scriptures Tell Us"
- October 10, 1972 New York
(file name: 10oct72ny.mp3length: 68:43 file size: 8.2M,
"What Epithets Can We Give God?"
(file name: LOK-12.MP3length: 17:32, file size: 2.1M,
"What is a True
Satsangi?" (text - talk begins
at about 15:00) - November 14, 1963
(file name: 14nov63.mp3length: 66:39 file size: 8.2M,
"What is Real" -
September 16, 1972 - Liverpool UK
(file name: 16sep72.mp3length: 62:52 file size: 7.5M,
"Who are You? Where are You? Where are You
going?" - September 11, 1970
(file name: LOK-5.MP3length: 47:06, file size: 5.6M,
"Why do we not rise
above body consiousness?" - October 26, 1972 - Chicago, Ill.
(file name: 26oct72.mp3length: 69:33 file size: 8.3M,
"Within the Atom: Light and Sound" (text) September 21, 1969,
Rajpur, India
(file name: LOK-15.MP3length: 36:28, file size: 4.4M, source
recorded at Sawan Ashram, Delhi, India, during the period from
fall 1967 to early 1969.
The book is available online in html and pdf format.
The ---- divider separates talks that are on a single CD in the
original set)
1) These talks are available on CD from Ruhani Satsang.
NOTE: to save a copy of these talks on your computer instead of listening to it online ("streaming") choose the "save link as" or "save target as" option available with right mouse button when you download. All of these files are quite large. A file download manager allows download options such as resuming a stopped or aborted download, having your computer disconnect from the internet when a download is complete, etc. Consult your favorite file search engine for download managers.
About MP3: MP3 is an audio data
compression standard which trades small losses in quality for
large reduction in file size. The above talks, because they are
voice, compress as much as 100:1, yet there is no discernible
degradation in sound quality. MP3 compression is desirable due to
space and bandwidth constraints of the internet.
Special equipment or software is required to
listen MP3 files. It appears these highly compressed MP3 files
will not play on some MP3 players which expect 44khz, stereo data
format. However, these MP3 files should be convertable to a
suitable MP3 format in a way similar to the "How to convert to
'normal' CD audio" below. These highly compressed MP3 files are
intended for listening on computer using an MP3 player such
as Winamp or the Windows Media Player. Several free versions of
Winamp are available at The Winamp player
offers many improvements over a standard CD player and CD for
someone listening to a talk. Among it's talents, Winamp can
pause/resume, jump to specific places in a talk, move back or
forward in small or large increments, and adjust the volume and
frequency of the audio; all useful features for listening to audio
How to convert MP3 back to "normal" CD audio and other formats