Video files:
videos were made from the DVDs offered for sale in
the media sales
section of this website.
They have been tested by a few people using
the Windows Media Player (WMP) and Nero's video
viewing app.
Mac and Linux users can find .avi players readily
available for their systems.
A fast internet connection is necessary to 'stream'
video from the website.
If you don't have a fast internet connection then
you can download them (use "save link as" type
command) at dial up speed
and later view them from your computer.
As of
June 2012 these videos are
on our Youtube account in higher resolution and with audio.
Youtube has the ability
to "stream" (ie watch in real time) vs having to download a film
and watch it on your computer.
There are utilities available on the web to capture Youtube
videos and store them on your personal computer if desired.
(Youtube videos are .flv "Flash" format)

"Clips from Sun Seed"
- A large number of short clips taken from the film
"Sun Seed". This material was professionally recorded in
the early 1970s (possibly after a World Fellowship of
Religions Conference) during the construction of the Manav
Kendra at Dehra Dun. Most of the material has synchronized
audio although there are a few film clips with no
accompanying sound track, a few audio tracks with no
images, and short periods of film leader, etc.
Converted from a VHS recording, (only a main menu
and some chapter marks have been added not in
.avi file ). Approximately
17 1/2 minutes. The .avi file is 48 MB.

"Eyes of Light"
- Film clips from September 1969 through March 1970
taken in Delhi and Dehra Dun. Photography by David
Leeworthy. Approximately
48 minutes. The .avi file is 133 MB.

Early 1974" - This is not new material and it has
appeared elsewhere in other forms. The collected short film
clips were shot around the time period of the Unity of Man
Conference (Feb. 1974) and include images from the conference,
Sawan Ashram, Manav Kendra and a couple of other outings. It
was added to our collection due to the better than average
quality of the conversion to DVD. (A main menu and
several "chapters" have been added.) The talk "Man!
Know Thyself" was used for the audio track although the entire
talk is not on the DVD. Original film clips are courtesy
of Lorinda Bloch.
Approximately 50 minutes. The
.avi file is 187 MB.
"Kirpal Singh in Europe" -
previously unavailable video of European stops on the 1963-64
and 1972-73 tours. The DVD "menu" is in German (image above) but
for the most part is self-explanatory.This .avi movie does not
have the ability to jump to chapters however the menu does give
the content of the film.
With audio.
Approximately 1:20 ... the
.avi file is 239 MB
Remembrance" - made
from previously unavailable film taken in India. Most of
the films are from 1969 through 1974 while the final film
is from the 1950s. Total run time is 2 hours and 6
minutes. The source material for these DVDs is
8mm film ("home movies"). The
online files are split into the 7 chapters of the original
Files are .mp4
format and include audio from Hindi Satsangs.
< Click
image for larger version

This film
on youtube in a higher resolution format and with audio.
(Feb. 2012)
"The Message of Kirpal" -
Film from the 1972 San Francisco Bay region tour stops ...
film quality varies quite a bit. Included are arrival at the San
Francisco Airport, talks from the Unitarian Churches in Berkeley
and San Francisco, talk at the Lovelace home and talk at
Santa Clara University. The audio is not synchronized. The first
sound track is a narration about Sant Kirpal Singh's Mission. The
remainder of the audio is talks given by Kirpal Singh during this
tour stop - November 16 Q & A session and post
meditation talks at Santa Clara University and the November 13
evening talk given at the Unitarian Church in San Francisco.
Approximately 52 minutes. The .avi
file is 110MB.
Bombay Tour
Sawan Ashram German Interview
Starting Sawan Ashram
Funeral / Cremation
"16mm Films" - A collection
of short 16mm films from the Munich and Innsbruck Satsangs.
50 minutes. The .avi is 189MB
"Summer 1974"Collected films
from Summer 1974 ... more information to follow. Approximately
minutes. The .avi is 172MB.

"Unity of Man Conference"
- A "made in India" documentary of
the February 1974 Unity of Man Conference. Narration is in Hindi.
Converted from a VHS tape, (
a main menu and 12 "chapter" divisions have been
added). Includes synchronized audio clips of Kirpal
Singh, Mrs. Ghandi, Pir Vilayat Inayat Khan and others.
Approximately 50 minutes. The .avi is
175 MB.

"Unity of Man Conference 2" -
material from the time of the Unity of Man Conference.
Film with audio
although it was a hand held camera with less than ideal
location for most shots. Includes Luncheon after Press
Conference, procession before start of
conference, shots of langar, etc .
Approximately 1 hour and 42
minutes. The .avi is 269 MB.
Media Player: although the size of these
video frames is relatively small (typically under
300 pixels wide)
you can enlarge the video in a couple of ways.
First, if you change screen resolution on your
monitor to a lower resolution
such as 800x600 then the apparent size of the video
increases. A free useful utility which can change
screen resolution
"on the fly" is Multires which can be downloaded at The
WMP will also resize the display if you "drag" a
to make the player's window larger or if you click
the player's maximize button. Current
the media player offer a 200% (2x larger) option.
Please send feedback
if you have any questions, problems or comments
regarding these files.
The rest of the DVD collection will be added as time
allows. If you have or know of films that are not
available here and you feel should be added to this
collection, please use the feedback link to get in