Benedict Ringel, the extremely able group leader of Ruhani Satsang in New York City, had arranged eight public talks in the city and its environs. Four of these, given at the Steinway Concert Hall, were full to overflowing, and the management of the hall was constantly concerned with the number of people who kept coming into the building. Nevertheless, all was well, the audience was fully accommodated, the authorities were satisfied that the fire and seating regulations were being adhered to. All worked well, under the Grace of the Master, and not one person was turned away from the Hall. Another talk was given at the Community Church on East 36th Street, and three talks were given at a hall in Brooklyn.

Speaking on the Science of the Soul, Kirpal Singh described the great Light and Sound Principle of creation. The Sound Current is the link between God and man, the audience was told. Through this supernal Music of the Spheres an indissoluble bond and relationship is established between God and His creation. Once the consciousness takes root in this Sound Principle, life-everlasting is assured to the spirit. This is the only way to God and it is reached by means of charged repetition—simran—of God's names. This is the Path ordained by the Supreme One, but no one can attain to it without the help of a Master-Soul, an adept in the science of spirituality in both theory and practice. Such a Master-Soul will have transcended all the planes of creation: physical, subtle, causal and beyond, and will be commissioned by God to lead other souls to Him.

The Lexington Hotel on 48th Avenue, where the Master and his party were staying, became a veritable Spiritual United Nations with the many people of different nationalities who came to visit the great Master. During the morning meditation sittings, the large reception room became so crowded that people were seen to sit in the corridor or on the floor. Each morning, after the meditation sitting, Kirpal Singh would give a heart-to-heart talk on spiritual matters. At times people would travel fifty or sixty miles to attend these sittings. Sometimes more than a hundred people were crammed into one room.

Kirpal Singh was invited to speak on the Glen Gray radio program while in New York. His talk, lasting nearly an hour, was relayed throughout the State by many stations. He was invited to visit the residence of Dr. Mishra, an eminent yogic teacher, to meet new friends and to speak on the Science of the Soul. The Science of the Soul demonstrates a method of initiation which is decidedly different from the initiations known to the Mystery Schools of the past and to the yogic schools of the present day. Once the prerogative of a few select disciples, the Science of the Soul is being taught on a global scale, through the love and compassion of this Living Master. The supreme Science is within the reach of all. This is the Royal road to spiritual liberation: the apotheosis of human achievement.

His Grace, Archbishop Andrey, Primate of the Bulgarian Orthodox Church and a vice-President of the World Fellowship of Religions, was in residence in New York City during the time of Kirpal Singh's visit. He sent word to the Master that he was indisposed and apologized for not calling on him. Sant Kirpal Singh went immediately to the home of the Archbishop, and the two religious leaders enjoyed a happy reunion. In spite of his indisposition, the Archbishop attended one of the public discourses given by the Master.

Throughout his American Tour, Kirpal Singh was asked questions of great urgency concerning the present world situation. "Could a Third World War be averted?" "Could we avoid the nuclear holocaust into which our society was seemingly headed?" "Was there a peaceful and yet positive answer to the challenge presented by the forces of militant atheism throughout the world?" To all these questions the Master gave the same answer. The central theme of all religions is of the same essence. Mankind is one Family under God. Can we therefore destroy our brother—our mother—our child? We must realize this ever-existing unity within ourselves. The world-society needs to be reformed—but first we must become reformers of ourselves.

On October 8, 1963, Kirpal Singh left New York for Boston, Massachusetts, where he stayed at the residence of Mrs. Mildred Prendergast, his representative in that area. He stayed in Boston for four days, and his very busy schedule included an official reception by Governor Peabody and Lieutenant-Governor McLaughlin at the State House. Governor Peabody escorted Kirpal Singh and Baron W. F. von Blomberg to the Council House where they were introduced to the members of the House. The Master and Baron von Blomberg also had a fruitful discussion with His Eminence, Monsignor Sikora, Archbishop of the Polish Catholic Church. They also visited the Mayor of Boston at the City Hall; and attended a meeting of the Boston Rotary Club where all members assembled to honor Sant Kirpal Singh.

Receptions for the co-Presidents of the World Fellowship of Religions were given by Dr. Langois, Director of Asian Studies, at Boston College, and by the Zionist Movement, at which about one hundred people — including eminent scientists and leading University scholars — attended. Profound interest in the mission of the great Sat Guru was demonstrated, and the most recondite questions were answered, simply and directly, by Kirpal Singh. The Master gave talks at the Beacon Street Church, Brookline, and at the Church of the Covenant in Boston.

In the intellectual and cultural atmosphere of Boston, Kirpal Singh was able to clarify many points brought up by thinking people and seekers. Many of these seekers wondered whether the goal of humanity could be achieved by self-expression or self-realization. There is a world of difference between the two concepts as understood by modern society. The cult of self-expression, brought into being as a revolt against the repressive forces of the past, has enabled its devotees to perpetrate many outrages against established society. Although not always the case, the products of the cultists of self-expression have often been negative and ugly. The concept of self-expression has often been used in the exploration of the dark reaches of psychic and lower-mental realms. Man must know that these psychic energies are part of his lower personality, tools of mind and matter, and are useful allies of the "five enemies."

There is a vast difference between merely expressing these chaotic psychic forces (as in so-called self-expression) and rising above them (as in self-realization) and letting the cleansing Waters of the Spirit dissolve them. The true seeker will endeavor to aspire to that higher soul-consciousness in which his self becomes at one with God. Once God has become realized in man, the whole world is blessed with the presence of a Saint. For the masses, however, the cult of self-expression is a snare of the . negative power. First must come self-realization, and then there will be something true and beautiful to express. The Master-Saint is the exemplar of self-realization and God-realization. The Self expressed through the Master is truly all joy, all wisdom, all beauty and all love. The Self is God-incarnate.

His Holiness received many visitors during his stay at the home of Mrs. Prendergast. Among them was the Honorable Gabriel Piemont who discussed the future plans of the World Fellowship of Religions with Kirpal Singh. The Master gave interviews to the Daily Stem-North Shore newspapers, visited the offices of the "Christian Science Monitor," and attended a musical recital and tea given at the home of a Boston socialite. Regular meditation sittings were given for the benefit of disciples and newcomers, and more aspirants were initiated into the Science of the Soul.

With the cars in his motorcade constantly increasing in number, as new people joined the Tour, Kirpal Singh drove to the beautiful State of New Hampshire and arrived at Sant Bani Farm, the residence of Mr. and Mrs. Russell Perkins, his group leaders for the town of Franklin, on October 11. Sitting beneath a tree, surrounded by the unspoiled beauty of the woodlands, the Master gave his discourse to the disciples seated on the grass before him.

"Nature is beautiful," he said, gazing at his devotees with great love. "The silence of Nature brings God closer to each one of us. So let us sit here in meditation and sweet remembrance of the Lord." In the evening the Master gave a talk to a large congregation at the local church in Franklin. Though it would appear doubtful that any technique of God-realization was preserved by the devotees of the Christian Master after he had withdrawn from the worldly scene, such a technique is presented to many churchgoers—for their calm consideration —when Kirpal Singh speaks from the pulpit.

Jesus said; "Place my yoke upon thee!" And yoga, a word which is cognate with yoke, means "to join up"; ideally, to link the soul with the God-head. The highest yoga of all—the Surat Shabda Yoga—the Yoga of the Sound-Current, is the connecting link with God. It is the true Word, spoken of by Christ and other Masters. Kirpal Singh gives the same promise from pulpit or rostrum or in a gathering beneath the blue skies of day: "Place my yoke upon thee!" The teachings of Christ has been misunderstood by the intellectually-oriented thinkers and theologians of the West. They have been represented in many churches—of many denominations—by the Living Master, Kirpal Singh.

Kirpal Singh arrived at "Kirpal Ashram," the residence of Miss Nina Gitana at Worcester, Vermont, on October 12. That evening he gave a discourse to the students and faculty of Goddard College, Plainfield, Vermont. Goddard College, a well known educational institution, provides undergraduate education in the liberal arts for young men and women of many economic, religious, and racial backgrounds. It also carries on a continuing program of research and experimentation in the teacher-learning process. In addition to these fine educational ideals, it provides adult education services related to the needs of the community, state, and nation of which the college is part. Its fundamental objective is to help students work, think, and live as independent, responsible, constructive, creative, and adult members of an interdependent society.

Education is beginning to be focused into the concept of self-realization. If we recognize that the purpose of Western education was in the building of the intellectual faculties and the creation of "exact" sciences, through the study of physical phenomena and their laws, we must also recognize that knowledge of our world is incomplete until our life in it has been clarified by the study of spirituality and the evocation of soul-consciousness. The Science of the Masters teaches that man not only lives an objective, physical life, but also has a subjective, spiritual life which is linked to the unchanging Absolute. He must turn inwards to find this living reality through the Science of the Soul, which is at once the oldest and the newest science known to man. The individual soul is a spark from the One Creator, a spark from the supernal Light of God.

Kirpal Singh was received by Baron W. F. von Blomberg at the Baron's summer residence in Hampton, New Hampshire, on October 13. The Reverend and Mrs. George Booth of Exeter Congregational Church, Mr. and Mrs. Legro and Mrs. Letha Furlong were amongst the guests. At the request of Reverend Booth, Kirpal Singh gave an address on the theme of "Man, Know Thyself!" at Exeter Congregational Church that evening. The Master spoke of the good work that has been achieved through churches, temples and other places of worship; but, even in these places—whatever their denominations or creeds may be—one must enter into the laboratory of the human body, which is the true temple of God. True worship and devotion to God is purely an internal and mental process, and independent of anything outside the human body. Purity of mind is the basic requisite. With an ethical background and a firm moral code, one can worship anywhere under the sky. The whole world is a vast temple of God, for there is no place without Him. Wheresoever devotion kneels in humility, that place becomes sanctified.

The next day an official reception was accorded Kirpal Singh and his party by Governor King of New Hampshire. Governor King introduced the Master to each Member of the State House where the reception took place. It was always a wonderful experience to witness the new awakening to be found in so many political figures. The old order is passing where concepts of temporal power, self-aggrandizement, and "might-is-right" had their rule. An inner change, a spiritual revolution, is taking place in the hearts and minds of many world leaders. The old order of physical domination must surely give way to a new order of all-embracing love, of spiritual realization, when so many have recognized the spiritual might and leadership of a true Master!

Kirpal Singh and his party were warmly welcomed by the Countess de Bninski at her residence, Wentworth Castle, Jackson, New Hampshire, on October 15. The previous night, at a reception given at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Longee at Hampton, Kirpal Singh had given a global picture of the work and purpose of the World Fellowship of Religions. At Wentworth Castle, before a deeply interested audience of friends and acquaintances of the Countess, he expanded upon this theme. Later that evening he gave a discourse on spirituality at the local church.

In traveling with the Living Master, one realizes that each person—no matter which of the social religions he or she chooses—is truly striving towards the same Reality as his or her fellow beings. One knows that this present physical earth is only a transient part of the vast school of experience which comprises our cosmic scheme of things. Perhaps we have remained here too long, through aeons of time, in the blinding fog of mind and matter. We must truly see ourselves as pilgrims on the sublime journey to our True Home: the House of the Supreme Father.

Mr. and Mrs. Paul Foster, indefatigable workers for the poor and underprivileged, welcomed Kirpal Singh to their home in Waterbury, Connecticut, on October 17. Two remarkable and very sincere people, the Fosters had been quietly aiding the needy and unfortunate for many years. The basement of their house was crammed with bundles of clothing and cases of food, which the Fosters purchase wholesale and then turn over to the relevant social organizations for distribution.

It is such service to the poor and needy which exemplifies a spiritual virtue. The practice of right-living will lead all humanity, eventually, to the blessings of peace and plenitude. To receive, one must be ready to give—and to give freely! This eternal law will lead humanity into the pathway of the more abundant life. It appears a difficult law for man to uphold, and, conversely, its acceptance brings the greatest of blessings. The aspirant who puts this law into operation must surrender himself to the highest spiritual goal set for humanity; and he should always be ready to forgive those who would crucify him because of his love for service and true spirituality.

This law is most aptly demonstrated when the disciple surrenders himself to the Master. There is, of course, no surrendering of the person's responsibilities, home, livelihood, family or possessions. The Master will never dominate the disciple nor appropriate his money or possessions —even if these things are freely offered. However, the true disciple looks upon himself and all that he possesses as belonging to the Master, and so he is merely the trustee of these things in the Master's name and service. A great Sufi mystic expressed it thus: "Give us all you have and we will give you all we possess." By sacrificing all to the Master, the disciple gains everything.

Mr. and Mrs. Foster are Christian Scientists, and on October 18 they arranged a reception which was attended by many friends who belonged to the same Movement. When asked to explain the difference between the Science of the Soul and Christian Science, Kirpal answered in the spirit of Jesus when he said, "If thou canst believe, all things are possible to him that believeth" (Mark 9:23),. And the superb scriptures of the Upanishads:

"Be led from the unreal to the real,
 Be led from darkness to light,
 Be led from death to immortality!"
He pointed out that all expressions of religion have sprung from the one Supreme Being through the help of a spiritual Master. After the passing away of the self-realized man, the Master, the truth is often lost by endeavoring to define the meanings of his words in intellectual or emotional terms.

Light and Sound are mentioned in all holy books; but there were often many generations separating the practical Master-teacher and those who taught religion "by the book alone." The meaning of the Light and Sound— the inner contact with God—was obscured, and the teachers would become immersed in outer rituals or intellectual systems. The Master also explained that the connection with the Light and Sound Principle was not the end of the search, but only the beginning.

When questioned upon the subject of "healing," Kirpal Singh explained that there were basically two types of subjective healing. The first type comes through a thought which has no effort behind it—through the Grace of God—as Christ used to heal, when the activity is performed in accordance with the Will of God and not the opinion of man. The other type is when the "healer," concentrates his thought upon the sick person, and through "his" concentration heals that person. In this way, the healer is truly "working in the dark" and although he may afford temporary alleviation of the problem, further—and possibly greater—troubles are stored up for the future. Thus this form of healing is incorrect. Healing through the inner power should only be done by a self-realized and God-realized man, for he then knows what he is doing.

Arriving in Greenwich, Connecticut, on October 19, Kirpal Singh was the guest of Mr. and Mrs. Russell Maguire. Previously, the Master and his party had been received by the local Mayor and his wife, who were dressed in their traditional Court robes. A joyful and spiritually rewarding day reached its culmination when Mr. Maguire was initiated into the Science of the Soul. The next day the Master arrived in Rochester, New York.

The Master gave three talks upon the Science of the Soul in the huge hall of the Powers Hotel in Rochester, and many people wished to know how the Sound and Light Principle could be contacted. As Kirpal Singh was only staying in Rochester for one night, prior to leaving for Hamilton, Ontario, it seemed impossible to find time to initiate the twenty people who were clamoring for initiation. With his usual selfless and boundless love, the Master agreed to initiate half the people present from 10 p.m. until midnight, and the other half from 6 a.m. until 8 a.m. the next morning. This kind of action was typical of the whole tour. Often, after a day spent in conferences, meetings and personal interviews, the Master would sit throughout the night attending to matters concerning the well being of his "children," writing letters to those in other parts of the world who impatiently awaited his every message. This is a true Server of God and man.