SAT SANDESH (November 1955)
In five days time it will be exactly
three months since this parting with our Beloved and Gracious Lord’s physical
form. So it is beyond imagination how great must be the longing of each
one of you to see him back again in your midst. The Master feels this parting
more than anyone can think it possible, but He has many duties to perform
and is veiled with so thick a veil that only when He lifts it you are able
to see what He wants to show. But even He cannot hide the LOVE which just
springs out sometimes from His eyes, and that happens many a time when
letters come or names are mentioned of His Loved ones in India. This great
but unavoidable parting is not only for you but He, though He is with you
all the time feels it too. Blessed will be the day when His feet touch
the land of India again and blessed will be the Loved ones when they see
and will be with him again but most blessed will be the one who will be
near enough to see the Love which is going to pour out of His eyes when
He looks again at His fold of helpless, lonely children and embraces all
with His warm and loving look.
As you will notice from the top of
this letter, this is being written from San Francisco. Maharaj with His
party reached this place on the 20th August and today is the last day of
His stay but tomorrow He leaves for Chicago by air and then back to Washington,
D.C. so you will be pleased to see that the tour of the States is just
going to end in a few days time and He will be back in India within the
next two months.
In continuation to 10th August report
from San Jose. On the 11th morning there were about thirty people for meditation,
nearly all non-initiates and all had first-hand experience. In the afternoon
Master had to go to San Francisco to attend to some matter regarding the
extension of his visa. San Francisco is fifty miles from San Jose. At 7:30
p.m. He gave a talk in the house drawing room. It is quite a big drawing
room but became too small to hold all the people who came over to hear
Him. A Sardar Daman Singh came over from Yuba City. He has been in the
States since the last 40 years. He is one of the old Satsangis and was
overjoyed to see the Master, so he has come over to spend a couple of days
near the Master. Tonight He gave a talk on the importance of Man Body,
love of God and love of all humanity, then quite a number of questions
were put to the Master and he answered to each one of then with such clarity
that it was like clearing away the cobwebs with a broom.
12th. This morning 60 people
came over for meditation and each one had a wonderful experience. In the
evening He gave a talk in San Jose on what Christ meant when he spoke of
the Kingdom of God. Master said that the Kingdom of God is within you and
you can enter it by coming above the body consciousness but with one’s
own effort, no matter if the man is the most pious, he cannot enter that
Gate and yet the most sinful of the sinners with the guiding hand of a
Master can enter that Kingdom and become One with God, and then He dwelt
on the Higher Values of Life.
13th. Today there were more
people for meditation than yesterday and all saw the light of God and some
saw the radiant form of the Master. In the evening He was invited to the
Y.W.C.A. to give a talk there. He explained that a human body is the true
temple of God in which God and you both reside, but as you yourself have
forgotten who you really are, you have to realise yourself before making
an attempt to realise God, so your Third Eye has to be opened by a self-realized
man who has realised God, only He can open your inner eye and He gives
you contact with the light and sound within. He will help and teach you
how to realize yourself and with the help of the sound and light to go
back to your true home and realize God. He says that is the only way by
which you and realize God. For the present age there is no other way but
this which is before us. The Master tonight dressed from the shoes to the
turban all in white - He looked just radiantly beautiful.
14th. Initiation was given
to 27 people all had experience of the beyond - some saw the radiant from
of the Master, of Master’s Master, of Swamiji, Baba Jaimal Singh and Christ.
In the evening He gave a farewell talk, all initiates in San Jose and many
other came. He explained to all that progress on the way can only be made
if all of them lived up to what they were told. All that has blemished
your pure life in the past can be left in the hands of the Master and in
future you live a clean and chaste life and be regular in your spiritual
practices. You will come very close to Master, and His love will just envelop
you. Love of the Master with faith is the main thing that can help the
initiate to progress on the way. If you become "Guru-man" (who is "God-in-Man")
you are sure to become "God-Man" some day, for you cannot love God until
you have seen Him. That you can only do through a God-realized Man in whom
God resides, by becoming One with the Master you become one with God. He
explained how the love of the Master can be developed. He told them that
the Master will be with all His initiates always extending all feasible
help and will appear to them when they go within as also on the day when
they have to leave their bodies permanently. He explained, "let my word
abide in you and you abide in me. Ye shall have everything that ye ask."
How can we love God until we come in contact with Him therefore, the love
of Master (God-in-Man) precedes.
15th. No meditation this morning
but many people came to pay homage to the Lord and He met each and everyone
and had a talk with all. Then a group of children of the initiates came
over and Maharaj had a group photograph taken with them. After that He
left with a party of 20 people to see the famous redwood forests. He liked
the place very much for it was so beautiful and its natural beauty and
the bliss of the moment caught everyone, so all sat down and meditated.
There was no talk in the evening so the Master dealt with the mail.
16th. Left San Jose for Oakland
where Lola Beverly handed over her apartment to the Master for His stay
there; this was in Alameda, a town near Oakland. In the evening the Master
gave a talk on KNOW THYSELF and on LOVE OF GOD AND MAN. Maharaj Ji emphasised
the fact that without a Master it is well nigh impossible to transcend
the body but Sant Mat says that criterion of a true Master is only that
He can teach you how to transcend the body and believe only when you see
for yourself and not otherwise. A Master who is a God-Man is able to give
you a first-hand experience on the very first day, so when you find such
a man place all your trust and love in Him, for love of God we have to
love the God-Man and all scriptures sing His praises and holy places of
worship and also places of pilgrimages are where His holy feet had passed.
17th. 32 people came for the
morning meditation and all had experience. Two very old Satsangis came
over today to pay their respects to the Master, a Mr. Bush from Yuba City
and Dr. Brock from Port Angeles in Washington State. Maharaj Ji was very
pleased to see them. He embraced them saying - "My old brothers have come
to see me."
In the afternoon the Master drove
to San Francisco where He was invited by Walter Baptist to see the hall
he had arranged for holding Satsangs there - Yoga Philosophical Institute
of Culture. When Master reached the Yoga Institute He was greeted by some
press reporters who were awaiting His arrival, so Master had a long talk
with the reporters and lots of photographs were taken of Him. Some of them
have been sent to India with the newspaper cuttings which came out in the
San Francisco News. In the evening He gave a talk on the comparative values
of life and where the Kingdom of God lies.
18th. This morning 50 men and
women came over for the meditation. Dr. Brock saw the radiant form of Maharaj
Sawan Singh and of the Master and Mr. Bush saw the light within for the
first time. During the whole day Master attended to the correspondence
and in the evening He gave a talk on Kingdom of God and how by leaving
the body you can enter that Kingdom whilst living. He also explained how
the inner eye can be opened.
19th. Today was a very busy
day for the Master. After the morning meditation to which over 50 people
came, He went to San Francisco to the Yoga Philosophic Center and then
was invited by the Television people. He was on the T.V. for 15 minutes.
He looked beautiful for this Television was in Technicolor, the first of
its kind, for until now the T.V. was only on black and white. He had an
interview with Mrs. Armstrong, proprietor of the Metaphysical Library at
the Town Hall who was carrying on work in connection with simplified yoga
to suit modern living.
In the evening a talk was given on
what is the difference between a learned man of letters and a man of practical
knowledge of the beyond and as to what was the Word referred to in the
Bible and Master explained what was the natural yoga.
20th. 14 men and women were
initiated and all had splendid experience. In the afternoon the Master
with His party left Oakland for San Francisco. Mr. Walter Paul Baptist
had made arrangements for His stay in his house, California Street. Mr.
Baptist is the owner of the Yoga Philosophic Center and he is known to
be the most developed man physically in the world for his age. He and his
wife is the second developed physically in the U.S.A. Both have gold-plated
trophies as a matter of distinction. Both were initiated by the Master
this morning at Oakland and both are really nice souls. Mrs. Walter Baptist
had seen the Master in meditation a month before His coming. A Baron Von
Blomberg who is the director of the World Congress of Religions, along
with a Bishop, came over to see the Master and had a long talk with Him
and came to the satsang too. He has invited the Master to come to Boston
where he is going to invite all heads of various religions to meet Our
Lord and hear what he has to give to them. Master has accepted the invitation
and so will go there for four days. This evening Master gave a talk on
the holy Scriptures - as also holy places of worship. He said all mankind
is one and the God worshipped was one and the same thought under different
names, and explained what that really meant when they used words like "The
Word", "Light", etc.
21st. Over 70 people came for
the morning meditation all had wonderful experience and some saw the Master,
the Master’s Master and Christ. After that He gave interviews to many.
During the day Mr. Baptist took the Master and some others to see the famous
bridge, the Golden Gate, which goes over the bay. This is one of the highest
bridges and ships pass under it. It is three miles long with a span of
over 4200 feet without any stake supporting it. In the evening a talk was
given on the inner man and the higher values of live. The hall, huge in
its size, became too small, so people just packed themselves in the passages
and the side room to hear him.
22nd. Morning meditation was
given to over 50 people. One saw Guru Nanak and others saw the Master and
His Master. Baron Van Blomberg came again for the evening talk. He said
he know practically everything about all religions, but had never seen
the inner light or sound and so wanted initiation. All people of distinctive
importance are coming up gradually. They have no other option. They and
all must and will bow down in front of our Master, if not today then in
the near future, that is if they are in search of the Truth, but Our Lord
in His humble way says, "It is all Hazur’s Grace". He is coming to them
as man to man and the credit goes to His Master at whose feet he had the
good fortune to sit.
In the evening He gave a talk as to
where was he Kingdom of God and how to pass through the strait gate to
enter into that and open the inner eye to see the light of God.
Damman Singh, old Satsangi, got the
experience within and was satisfied as also Rattan Singh Dhillon with his
wife came up from El Centro and remained to hear talks and ultimately both
of them got initiation. During the day Mr. Harri Dass Chowdhari, representative
of the Asian Philosophy in San Francisco University, who was initiated
by Shri Aurobindo Ghosh of Pondicherry came with another reverend of the
liberal Roman Catholic Church and had a talk with the Master and went away
23rd. At morning meditation
more than 30 people and all had wonderful experience.
In the evening, talk was given on the natural Yoga taught
by Masters and how to contact the Word within.
24th. Initiation was given
to 17 people. In the evening farewell talk was given to all the initiates
of Oakland and San Francisco.
25th. No meditation today.
Master and His party went to the redwood forests and enjoyed the solitude
there. All sat down in the woods for meditation and many gathered together
around Him and took photography of Him while in meditation.
In the evening He gave a talk at the
Metaphysical Library and dwelt on the subject of how we can have peace
on earth by living up to two commandments - Love God and love also humanity,
also how to enter the Kingdom within - this will even save one from the
danger of death.
In continuation to the last letter
from San Francisco of the 25th of August 1955, today with thankfulness
to Him, these words with gratefulness from all humanity, knowing they or
not, are penned down that Maharaj, the much-loved Beloved of All, is in
perfect health and with each breath he takes He wrought wonders in uplifting
the essence of all purity and Truth, which is commonly known as SOUL, from
the dungeon of hell where MIND in its craftiness acts as a warden and keeps
this soul of all purity besmeared with the dirt and filth of all passions,
the soul an atom of the highest form of degree, which is that of God, has
today so forgotten its true self that it literally enjoys life lived in
the lowest form and makes hard to believe it is one with that, it is just
like one extreme wanting to join the opposite extreme. But HE has come
and is in midst of all Self-forgotten children of God, waking all up from
the long slumber, washing the dirt off with His own dear hands, but this
cleaning hurts them so some cry out in utter despair, some want to run
away from this, but He sees how much one can take, so before any drastic
action is taken, He gathers them to His heart and rejuvenates His offsprings
for another washing He will not stop until He has made them as perfect
as Himself. Doomed are those who do not even try to find out even out of
curiosity as to why He has come to this Earth and for what purpose.
But to go back to San Francisco. 26th
August, 1955 - The Master with His Party consisting of Bibi Hardevi, Mr.
T.S. Khanna, Mrs. Khanna, little Gurcharan Khanna and Cuckoo Narendra left
the house of Walt Baptist (where they had been putting up for their stay
in San Francisco) with several other disciples who had gathered at the
house since early morning to wish the Master farewell. The Master with
His party reached the aerodrome at 9:30 a.m. As Maharaj Ji says "It was
a pathetic scene," so it was, very much so, some of them could not even
come forward to shake the Master’s hand, they were sobbing their hearts
out. Master’s representative in California, Dona Kelley, her husband, Charles,
Dr. and Mrs. Crawford, Dr. and Mrs. John Lovelace, Walt Paul Baptist with
his wife and daughter, he and his wife are the owner and in charge of Yoga
Philosophic Center. All these and many others came and stayed on till the
plane took off at 10:30 a.m. for Chicago.
It was eleven hours flight and Maharaj
Ji most of the time kept Himself busy with writing letters. Nearly always
the Captain on flight, whenever the Master travels by plane, always come
to pay their respects to Him and have a few words with Him, so even on
this trip, and slowly everyone came to know that the Great Master was traveling
with them, so many children came to get His autograph and even an old lady,
mother of a Roman Catholic Minister, went over and asked Maharaj Ji to
write some sort of a message and His autograph. The Master wrote on her
card, "It is better to enter the world with one eye" and signed His name.
It was beautiful and she was very much impressed but could not understand
what He really meant by saying one eye - she said, "Aren’t two eyes better
than one?" So this is how much the ministers, priests, etc. know of the
Truth in the present age. It is a pitiable state of affairs, especially
for those innocent people who go to these ignorant teachers for the knowledge
of the Beyond.
This lady went straight to her son,
the Minister, a Rev. A. Lauck, and showed him what the Master had written.
He thought for quite a long time over this, then came over and asked T.S.
Khanna if he could have a few words with the Master. The Roman Catholics
are very strict in their own beliefs, so Khanna was amazed to see a Minister
wanting to hear the Master. Maharaj Ji, our most gracious Lord, never says
‘NO’ to any one so He talked to Rev. Lauck, and when the Reverend left
the Master’s side, lots of his doubts had been removed about certain things
and he carried back with him two of the Pamphlets - "Man Know Thyself"
and "Message of the Great Master".
At Chicago, Dr. Ruisink, Dr. Ruth
Martin and one other lady were awaiting the Master’s arrival in all impatience.
From the aerodrome the Master was driven straight to Parkwell Hotel where
arrangements were made for his stay in Chicago. When the Master reached
the Hotel, He was greeted by flashlight from a press man’s camera. As it
always happens, no one ever gave a thought that Master might be tired after
this long journey, but He was interviewed by the reporter for quite a long
time. Master retired very late, at nearly 3 in the morning.
27th August. As early as 7
a.m. people started pouring in. By 7:30 a.m. over forty people had gathered
together for meditation and all had wonderful experiences. Two saw Christ
first, then the Master in His radiant form, eight or more saw the Master
and His Master. In the evening, talk was given at Stovone Hall, the hall
in a big hotel. The Master gave a talk for two and a half hour on God and
Godman, Holy Scriptures and holy places of worship, in a most unique way.
He explained how we can get the best out of the Holy Books and the Holy
Places. He said if we summarise different religions and faiths and looked
at each one, all of them are striving hard to reach the same goal which
is our true home and where God resides, so all religions if taken down
in their basic form are one and as all mankind is one, so He said it was
an act of a madmen to hate each other and love God, for God is ONE, there
is no such thing that East has a different God and North, South and West
different Gods for themselves. All mankind is one and there is only One
God, so we should, He said, love each other rather than hate.
There is a saying: love and if love
of the other cannot return your love, then at least your great love will
burn his hate away for you - that is what the Master teaches and He is
so full of LOVE that when with him you cannot do anything but LOVE.
28th August. In the morning
meditation a woman by the name of Olga Donenberg came over and said she
had seen the Master long before she had ever even heard about Him. Mysterious
is the way He works and Great are His powers bringing whom He wants near
Him. Another lady by the name of Mrs. Lovepath said she had seen the face
of the Master several times before she actually came face to face with
Him. At the meditation she saw Christ in all light, then the Master’s radiant
In the afternoon Master was on the
air for twenty minutes. This talk was relayed to all Radio Stations throughout
the United States.
In the evening He gave a talk on the
Higher Values of Life. After the talk lots of questions were asked and
Maharaj Ji gave replies to each and all, to everyone’s satisfaction.
29th August. More than thirty
people attended the morning meditation. Many disciples of Master Charan
Singh came over and said that this was the first time they had seen the
Light of God. A Dr. Tonbell fell down after a complete withdrawal of the
soul from the body.
Again the Master was invited to the
Radio Station, so He was again on the air this afternoon and gave a talk.
In the evening He gave a talk on where
is the Kingdom of God and how to enter it. He explained how the Light of
God can be seen by opening of the inner eyes. He said all outer temples
were made by man and picture or images of past Masters were placed there
with books written by past Masters and these are the things which for aeons
of years people have been worshipping without understanding the true import
of what the scriptures hold in them, thus wasting their so precious time,
gaining nothing substantial. He said the true temples are not made by the
hands of man but are made by nature and in this temple God resides and
He resides with you in the same temple. You all call it a body, but the
Master looks on it as a temple of God, so if you really want and worship
God, you must first of all realize yourself and then God. Then only can
you taste the nectar of God's Love and then only you know the true meaning
of worship.
30th Aug. Morning mediation
was given to about 30 people and all had wonderful experience.
In the evening a talk was given by
the Master on what is WORD—then He explained why SURAT SHABD YOGA is the
best and the most natural Yoga suitable for the present age, to realise
oneself and to realize God. He so beautifully laid before the audience
the explanation of what a Godman really is and how to judge if He was a
true Master or not.
A Minister of a Presbyterian Church
came forward after the talk was finished and told the Master that though
he had been serving his Church for the last forty years this was the first
time that he fully understood what really the holy scriptures had to give
out to man, then he said that this evening when he was meditating he saw
the Master in a beautiful light, after that with reverence he bowed low,
paid homage to the Master's feet with great love.
31st Aug. This morning Master
gave initiation to 31 people, the same Minister of the Presbyterian Church
who had met the Master last night was initiated and one Bishop with his
wife too were initiated. The whole day Master was kept very busy by giving
interviews to many people.
There was quite a crowd at the Airport
to see the Master off, for tonight He leaves Chicago for Washington D.
C. The plane was delayed for twenty minutes. T. S. Khanna said "Hazur,
the love of the people is not letting the plane take off."
Landed at Washington, D. C. at 1 A.
M. and were met by a score of people. The dampening spirits of all who
had seen so much misery on the faces of the Chicago people, just a
few hours back, lifted when they perceived the great
joy displayed by the Washington crowd on greeting the Master, so
it is and so it will be, that one has to go through
the grinding stones to give someone else pleasure
and this suffering of separation will not end until one
becomes ONE with Him who is All and All.
All these people came over to the house which was arranged
for the Master's stay—4411, 42nd Street, NW and stayed late
talking to the Master.
1st Sep. In the morning
meditation was given in the drawing room of the house. All had experience
of the light of God and more. Master had a busy day sorting out the mail
which had been accumulating since the last week and writing replies.
In the evening from 7-30 p.m. to 9-30 p.m. He gave
a talk at the Friends Meeting Hall. He told them that all religions
were aiming at the same thing—the goal of all religious was
one and He explained the equality of Man, it mattered not if they were
white, black, red or yellow, all men are equal in all respects.
Then he explained the help which we can get through living in our own social
religions but He also showed the shortcomings of all social lives.
He said we should love all Masters who had come in the past, for they had
realized themselves and had
become one with God, so they can also be called God Men for after
realizing God the power of God works through them, because, He said,
if we love God we should naturally love all God-Men, we should love
all holy Places and Holy Books made and left by these Great Masters.
If each one of us, He emphasised on this point, could only live up to what
was written in the holy scriptures, then the Kingdom of God
would come to earth and all fear of an atomic destruction of all
civilization would fade away forever.
2nd. In the morning meditations
were given as usual. A Bishop came over to see the Master. He had a long
private talk with Him.
In the evening the Master gave a talk
on Love and Attachment. He said as God is love and our souls being as of
Him are also Love, we should therefore love God and all humanity but we
should, He said, not attach ourselves to lower things which are perishable
matter. Soul is that which is of the same essence as that of God, so we
should attach ourselves to God, which is unchangeable permanence, and He
also dwelt on higher values of life. This should not be done by giving
up or running away from the world. He so many times says, you all must
be remembering this, that to live like a Lotus, which grows in the filth
of the underwater, it has never seen the light or the cleanliness of outer
world and yet when it grows out of the filth and shakes off even the water
from its petals, there it smiles in all its glory, the world raves about
its beauty, poets have risen to great success because they could so easily
lose themselves in the purity of that flower, and no one has yet thought
even that there is filth under that water where this flower blooms for
it has no roots, living there yet no being attached in anyway to that
- that is what our Beloved Lord wants all the souls to be like, once you
are like that it would matter not what you did or what you were.
3rd. In the morning there were
about 40 people for meditation and all had wonderful experiences.
In the afternoon a scientist came
over from Louisville and had a talk with the Master for over two hours
on various subjects - electrons, detrones, life, etc.
Evening talk was given as usual in
the Friends’ Meeting House, He dwelt on how important the human body was.
He said the only possibility the soul ever has of returning to its true
home and God is through a human body, for only through this body the art
of concentration can be taught, the inner eye can be opened and the light
of God can be seen, and so the soul enters the Kingdom of God, after realising
who and what he is.
4th. Thirty or more people
attended the morning meditation and all had experiences. The afternoon
was spent by the Master at Rev. Shadd’s house for the Reverend wants to
hand over his entire library to the Ashram and had asked Him to come and
see the books.
Master took up the subject of the
various Yogas taught to realize God. There are many ways for beginners
to start on this return to their true home. There are different ways to
come above the body consciousness. When one comes up, there is only one
road and only one way. There are difficult ways which involve control of
breathing and there is a natural way which is easier, the Sehaj Yoga. He
said as we are not strong enough to take up the latter ways for that reason
only we should take up the easiest, quickest way (for the average age of
man has been shortened from one Lac years of the golden age, when men could
put in thousands of years in meditation, to 100 years in this age and mostly
the people go up 50 to 60 years. [The average life of a man does not go
beyond 20 to 30 years.] The most natural way up, for that there is only
one yoga, i.e., the SURAT SHABD YOGA. Brief details were given out by the
Master of this Yoga. After the talk, film of Hazur Baba Sawan Singh Ji
Maharaj was shown and other films of the Master’s tour.
5th. Initiation was given this
morning to ten men and women of importance. All had wonderful experience,
some saw the radiant form of the Master, the scientist from Louisville
saw great light and found himself to be also light and heard the sound
of bells.
The whole afternoon the Master spent
dealing with the post.
Tonight Master held the Satsang on
the lawn and by request of many the theory of the KARMAS was explained
and many questions were put to the Master and He replied to all with such
clarity and simplicity that the answers went right through the heart cleansing
all doubts.
6th. After the morning meditation
as usual, Master spent two hours or more talking to people there and explaining
many things to the newcomers. In the evening a talk was given on the subject
of devotion and faith of a true follower, and what does it do for Him.
7th September: In the morning
there was meditation given to over 60 men and all spoke wonderfully about
their meditations and a long talk was given to the initiates on various
important spiritual subjects.
During the day Master went with a
party to the riverside for about 2 hours and films were taken of the scenes
over there.
In the evening a talk was given on
the subject that man should awake from the lethargic sleep and go ahead
on toward his goal which is beyond physical, astral, causal an super-causal
places and which is the common goal of all religions and many questions
of importance were answered by the Master.
On the 8th morning of September,
1955 the Master gave a meditation sitting in the living room of the house
where He was staying - 4422-42nd St., N.W. Washington D.C. Everyone had
a wonderful experience. Mr. Emil Christesen saw Christ on a lower plane
first; then when he went further up he saw the Master in His radiant form.
The whole day Master spent in dictating letters or writing replies in His
own hand.
In the evening there was a very big
function at the Pakistan Embassy to wish farewell to the outgoing Ambassador
by the new Ambassador. All foreign Ambassadors, diplomats and heads of
various departments and high officials were invited. The Master was invited
personally by the Ambassador Syed Amjad Ali. It was a great success. Maharaj
was surrounded by a crowd all the evening through. The Ambassador himself
felt greatly honoured and talked with the Master at great length and asked
him to let him know when, if ever, the Master pays Pakistan a visit.
9th - Friday - Forty people
attended the morning meditation with great satisfactory experiences. The
rest of the day Master spent in interviewing people or dealing with the
huge pile of never-lessening mail. In the evening He gave a short talk
on how Kingdom of God can be brought on earth, but most of the time at
the meeting was taken up by various questions and answers in detail by
the Master.
10th - Saturday - After the
morning meditation the Master gave a short farewell talk to those who had
come from Louisville three days back and were leaving today. They were
crying so much that they could hardly hear the Master. In the afternoon
the Master and His party left for Philadelphia. It was a long drive. It
took five hours. In Philadelphia Master stayed in Yeadon at Dr. Alfred
R. Smith’s house, 915 Church Lane.
In the evening he gave a talk at the
Friends’ Meeting House, 20 South 12th Street, Philadelphia. It was a huge
hall of 400 sitting capacity but it was so full that people were squeezed
in like sheep and when the Master started his talk till the end, as usual,
there was a pin-drop silence. The Master dwelt on the subject of the equality
of all mankind and He said we should develop the love of God and as God
resides in each and everything we should love all creatures on this earth
and our goal in life should be to realize God. Then He spoke in more detail
on what is God and how important it is to bring His Kingdom to earth.
11th - Sunday - 30 people came
for the morning meditation and all had experience. There were many newcomers
so they put a lot of questions to the Master and were more than satisfied
with the enlightening answers they got.
In the afternoon Master drove to Mr.
and Mrs. Johnson’s house in New Jersey and blessed their abode with His
presence. From there He drove straight to the Friends’ Meeting House for
the evening talk. Tonight He gives a talk on ‘Man, Know Thyself’. Maharaj
looked beautiful as He looked directly into the eyes of hundreds of upturned
faces and impressed on them the inner greatness of the man. He said all
ancient and modern inventions of security and destruction came out of man
and He said the books we worship today , came out of man too - microcosm
is in the macrocosm Man, so it pained Him, He said, to see this highest
form of life being degraded to the lowest form of animal life. After that
He explained the higher values of life and said, ‘Life is more than the
raiment.’ After the meeting three cars were sent by Father Divine to bring
him and His party to the Rev. Divine’s house for a visit.
Before any further description is
given of the Master’s visit it would be better to explain who ‘Father Divine’
is in brief, for you all to get some idea as to what he is. Here his past
or private life will not be touched, only what his mode of working is.
He has tried and has been successful in getting the rich to give him all
that they could and then has successfully uplifted the poverty-stricken
to the level of an average man. He has arranged free schooling and under
his call he has done a wonderful work in this part of the world. He is
a small little coloured man, has done so much socially for them that all
the benefitters following him look upon him as God, which is natural, for
what they know of Truth.
When Master heard of Rev. M. F. Divine
and the way he has helped the poor in clothing them and feeding them and
looking after the orphaned children, He naturally, out of the great love
He has for every one, wanted to meet him, so the Master’s secretary phoned
up Rev. Divine’s (better known as Father Divine) house and got an appointment.
Father Divine’s hospitality was really great, when he heard of the Master
he sent three cars to bring Him over. Master left the Friends’ Meeting
House after the meeting for ‘Woodmont’, the place where Father Divine lives,
as it always happens a crowd followed Him, so Master had about six cars
following Him.
When He and His party reached ‘Woodmont’,
a beautiful place on top of a hill, this house where Father Divine and
his young white wife Mrs. S. A. Divine (better known as Mother Divine)
live is a beautiful small place. When it was built it had cost half a million
dollars but was purchased for 40,000 dollars by the members of the Palace
Mission, Inc. New York, one of the many churches of the Peace Mission Movement.
Here Father and Mother Divine live like Kings. When the Master and His
party entered the grounds, one after another dozens of guards stopped the
cars but when finding that it was the renowned guests of Father Divine
they saluted and let pass. When Master’s car reached the house, He and
His party were amazed to see the wonderful welcome Father Divine had staged
for the Master. There were scores of girls standing in rows with men at
the other side, awaiting the Master’s arrival from the steps of the outer
door to the room where Father and Mother Divine awaited Him. These girls
in red and blue stood in rows singing with smiles on their faces.
Father Divine sat like a great King
with Mother Divine by his side and a crowd surrounding him as if he was
holding court.
He greeted the Master and made Him
sit near him, little knowing whom he was entertaining - so after talking
a little with the Master he asked if the Master would honour the banquet
he had laid down for the Master. Master agreed and so the Master, Father
and Mother Divine and all the Master’s party, consisting of over thirty
people were conducted to the banquet hall. All along, the girls, known
as Rosebuds, went on singing. The Father sat at the head of the table with
Mother Divine on his right and Our Beloved Lord on his left side. Then
the feast, which would do credit even to the Kings, began. About thirty
dishes of meat of all kinds, dish after dish of different fish, dozens
of different kind of ice creams, puddings, etc. were served, a feast which
would have been a dream of delight to many a man, but turned out a sorry
display to the Master’s party as all were vegetarians and looked down on
this sort of worldly display, for all the Master’s followers life a high
and pure life. But this did not mean that Father Divine’s generosity was
not appreciated, for everyone could see that what he had he gave out, after
all he has not been initiated to the beyond and so does not know that there
is anything better than this what he sees in this world. Of course Master
and the Party with Him did not take anything except a cup of tea.
After the feast Father Divine gave
a short speech, then he asked Master to give one. Here he made a wonderful
mistake, for his followers had been taught to look up at Rev. Divine as
God, they believed it with complete faith, but when Maharaj stood up in
all His dignified Glory and with flashes of love, purity and impelling
force drew everyone’s attention toward him and gave out His message He
told them that this world was not all and everything. He told them of the
true home of the light within and the way back to God. He gave out the
truth to the gaping faces. Each word He uttered drew them toward Him, that
in a few minutes’ time everything else was forgotten but only He, and He
remained. Never in the history of the world such a scene was enacted before.
The ‘would be’ God and the Goddess at the head of the table, the table
itself overladen with food and surrounded by chairs on which sat the Master’s
followers and around them stood line upon line of the Father Divine’s entourage,
the banquet hall itself beautifully furnished in the most modern and luxuriate
style ever possible but all this was completely forgotten by all present
at that moment, it seemed as if the hall shivered to get out of the imprisonment
and go to Him. Never did the Master look so beautiful as He did then, and
never has He spoken with such force as He did then.
After he sat down two or three other
people got up and thanked Father Divine for his kind hospitality. When
Master was leaving Father and Mother Divine asked Him to come again the
next day. He agreed to it.
12th. Morning meditation was
attended by 31 non-initiates with the other initiates - all had very good
Dr. Ruisink and Dr. Ruth Martin, with
a man who wanted initiation, drove up from Chicago and met the Master after
meditation. The secretary of Father Divine telephoned to enquire as to
how many cars the Master would require and at what time He would come to
‘Woodmont’. Master left the house at 2 p.m. and went straight to the Father
Divine’s house. There He was received with great cordiality and before
Rev. Divine had a talk with the Master, ushers were directed to take the
Master and the party all over the house to see how Father and Mother Divine
lived. All the rooms were beautifully furnished, a house fit for a King
to live in. After that when the Master was with Father Divine the Master
asked him in course of conversation as to what was taught here of the inner
self. Father Divine said he only taught his people the intellectual concept
of spirituality.
When the Master referred to certain
portions of Sermon of the mount, the Kingdom of God and the opening of
the third eye, the Father had nothing to say on this but kept very quiet.
The he said, "Well, I teach them to sit together in remembrance of God."
Master said - "Well, this is really a good thing to be taught but it is
only an elementary thing, preparing the ground for higher and a truer living."
Just when the Master was leaving,
Father Divine had himself photographed with the Master and Mother Divine
came up and asked if she could be photographed with the Master. A movie
film was taken which will be sent to India and then you all will be able
to see some of the scenes there. In the evening Master had huge gathering
at the Friend’s Meeting House where He gave a stirring talk. He explained
why it was necessary to understand the true import of the Holy Scriptures.
He said Jesus belonged to the East and the terminology used by him could
be rightly understood if taken in as through an eastern eye. The Truth
in the holy Book is simple and not hard to grasp but intellectual people
who have had no first-hand experience of the truth put down in the Holy
Scriptures tried to understand it through their emotional feelings or inferences
arrived at by intellectual wrestling, that is why they were all subject
to error. This Truth can only be rightly understood when it is seen, that
can only be done if the Third Eye is opened and He said, the Kingdom of
God of which everyone has heard so much can only be got by opening the
inner eye and transcending the body consciousness. He spoke at great length
and with such convincing force that all the intellectual preachers and
those who thought up till now that they know all and everything were shaken
off their faith, so one by one they stood up and questioned the Master
on Aristotle, Plato and on Christian Science, but it did not take Him,
who knows all, long to satisfy everyone of them, one by one.
13th. Tuesday - This morning
all those intellectual giants who had so ardently questioned the Lord last
night came up for meditation to find out if there was such a thing as a
first-hand experience - all had experience so were convincingly satisfied,
some even saw the Master, the Master’s Master and Master with Jesus Christ.
In the evening Master explained the
difference between a man who has the knowledge of the truth through books
and a man who gets it by coming in contact with the Truth himself and learning
it through practical knowledge. After that He explained the difference
between the various Yogas and why the natural yoga which the Masters teach
is the best of all other Yogas to reach the soul back to his true home.
14th. - 31 men and women were
initiated this morning, a Bishop and three doctors included, all had experience,
one saw the Master in all light and by His side stood Christ. Six others
saw the radiant form of the Master. In the afternoon left Philadelphia
for Washington, D.C.
Reached late in the evening and found
the living room of the house where Master is going to stay - 1516 Spring
Place, NW full of people awaiting the much-loved Lord with yearning hearts.
Master greeted all with great love and gave a short talk before retiring
for the night.
15th. - Left Washington at
ten in the morning by Eastern Airlines for Tampa. At Tampa Airport Dr.
Love, Meta Graham, Lola Beverly and many others met the Master.
Master drove to St. Petersburg, Florida,
in Dr. Love’s car. The great love which all these people have for the Master
was very touching.
On the way to St. Petersburg Dr. Love
asked lots of questions regarding the Ashram in India. When the Master
said it was a small Ashram with no temples or Church built in it, she said
‘But Master shouldn’t you have a big Ashram?’ The way the Master turned
his head and looked at her in frank surprise was worth seeing. He said,
‘Ashrams - I am not here to build Ashrams. I am here to build up MAN and
make him as perfect as his Father.’ He shook His head and said, ‘I am not
interested in Ashrams.’ Of course they are going to have an Ashram on a
mountain nearby in due course.
In the evening He gave a wonderful
talk to a gathering of about 150 or more. He explained how God is defined
by the Masters. He said, ‘Can we see God?’ If so, with what eyes? - then
He said, ‘We do not know God, if we did we would naturally love Him and
if we loved Him we could do nothing else but love all humanity, all Godmen,
all holy scriptures and all temples. But we cannot see him until we have
realized ourselves.’
16th. - Meditation was given
to mostly all non-initiates and all had inner experience. In the evening
He gave a talk on the inner man and the higher values of life.
17th. - In today’s meditation
one saw the Master in radiant form and Christ was with Him and eight others
saw the Master’s radiant form. Jean Adrian saw Kabir, the Master and the
Master’s Master talking to each other. Kabir looked at Jean and said that
the present Master was a true Master and He was working through him. After
the meditation Master went to Meta Graham’s house for she had made a request
to have her house blessed by His presence. In he evening He gave a talk
on man-body which is the temple of God, how the Inner Eye can be opened
and how you can enter the Kingdom of God.
After the talk a film of Maharaj Sawan
Singh Ji was shown and a few others of the Master’s tour.
18th. - In the morning meditation,
given to 30 initiates and non-initiates, Jean Adrian saw Kabir, Guru Nanak,
the Master and a few other Masters who stood before the repetition of the
five names. This evening a talk was given on the true religion, a true
Master and a learned Man and on Surat Shabd Yoga as compared to other yogas,
then some films were shown.
19th. - Monday - Initiation
was given to 12 men this morning, four men came from Daytona Beach. Eight
of them saw the Master within and forms of other Masters.
During the day Master gave interviews
and in the evening a farewell talk to all initiates.
20th. - Left for Washington
by air at 9 a.m. Many people came to see him off including Jean Adrian,
Meta Graham, Dr. Love, Lola Bevely and many others. Reached Washington,
D.C., at 2.25 p.m. Mr. and Mrs. Khanna with a small crowd waited at the
airport and when Master reached 1516 Spring Place, 61 others were awaiting
his arrival anxiously.
In the evening Master came down to
the living room for all initiates were gathered there. No talk but lots
of questions were put to the Master and answers were given by Him.
The last report of the tour was
sent up to 20th September, 1955, so to continue from there, Maharaj Ji,
the Esteemed and Beloved Master of all, sends his blessings and divine
love to you and to all His loved ones. Every day brings Him nearer to you.
On the 2nd October the American tour was finished and He left that day
for England. On the 15th He will leave England for Germany and so by the
beginning of November, He will be amidst you all - that indeed will be
the blessed day for India, though some might know it or not, but it will
be so.
21st Sept. Maharaj Ji gave
no meditation sittings this morning and spent the day sorting out and sending
replies to the letters, which had accumulated since his absence from Washington,
In the evening there was no formal
talk, but the initiates in Washington gathered together in the living room
of 1516 Spring Place NW where Master was staying, and waited impatiently
for Him to put in appearance. When He came, it can only be said He had
come, for no word can express the joy and uplifting of the spirits when
you are in front of Him - it can only be experienced. After He had seated
Himself all surrounded Him. Everyone as usual wanted to sit the closest
to Him. In whichever face you looked you saw love pouring out. If there
is any Kingdom of God then it must be like this with He sitting with all
His loved ones around Him and everyone feeling like an overjoyed King.
"For did not the Lord look at Him, saying He was the only one He loved?"
So each and everyone feels and gets all that he wants and more when in
His presence. What must be the state of those who are constantly with his
true Self in the inner world?
22nd Sept. Again the Master
spent most of His time with finishing up the pile of letters and with giving
interviews. In the evening he gave and explanatory talk on the Hymn of
23rd Sept. In the morning meditation
today an old man, who has been in search for a long time, came from Nashville.
He had a wonderful experience and saw the Master in light. In the evening
talk Master took Guru Nanak’s hymn and explained each and every word so
beautifully that it left a lasting impression on all the hearers.
24th Sept. Many came for morning
meditation and all had experience. This evening the Master was invited
by the head of the Theosophical Society to give a talk at their place.
Master explained the two vidyas - Para and Apara, and gave a talk in detail
on them.
25th Sept. A fairly big hall
was reserved for the Master at the Unitarian Church, 16th Harvard Street
N.W. to address the ‘comparative religions class’ from 8 a.m. to 9:30 a.m.
He gave a talk on ‘How to realise God’. He said it was impossible to grasp
the Truth, which we call God by the organs of the sense or by intellect.
God, He said, can only be realised after you realised yourself and
that can only be done by coming above this illusive body in all consciousness
through opening of the inner eye and getting contact with the beyond. It
was of course the most beautiful talk ever heard. What else when he Master
speaks? The church goers had never heard the like before and so were deeply
Though the Director in charge was
overjoyed to have had the good fortune of hearing the Master, but he went
on apologising for not foreseeing that such a large crowd would come to
hear the Master for the hall was packed. Some were squeezed in shoulder
to shoulder and many even had to stand in the lobby to hear him.
After the talk the Director expressed
his thanks and wanted to know if the Master had some literature on the
subject. He was given ‘Man Know Thyself’. He took several more copies.
He said many members of the class are in search of the Truth. They come
from various countries and he would like to give a copy to each one.
In the evening Maharaj Ji gave a talk
on the social religions and the inner aspect of religions, which
when brought down to the basic facts, is one to all mankind, matters not
if they come from East or West. This talk He gave from the pulpit of the
Clarendon Methodist Church, 6th and North Irving Streets, Arlington, Virginia.
The Church, realising the honour the Master was going to bestow on them
by speaking there, has given out beautiful printed bulletins announcing
the date and time of the Master’s talk and on the cover they had printed
‘A rare Chance to hear a Rare Man’ and they gave His name as ‘Singh Ji
Maharaj from India’. It is a big church with a very big hall but it did
not seem so very big as all the seats were taken, for the minister had
a full hall for a change. After the talk the Master was led to another
room where lots of people were waiting him, so He had a talk with them
there for an hour and answered many searching questions which even ministers
of the churches could not reply to from the Bible, but for Master it was
like child’s play and it did not take him long to answer and satisfy them
one by one.
26th Sept. In the morning initiation
was given to four. All had good experience. One saw the Master in radiant
form. Today is a sad day for all His loved ones. When they gathered in
the living room all were trying hard not to let the tears come out. Then
the Master came and many could not control themselves, so burst out crying,
by the time the Master finished His farewell talk all had handkerchiefs
out and were blowing their noses - even the Master had tears in the eyes
for it was hard for him to see the suffering of the oncoming loneliness
which was showing so plainly on everyone’s face. While closing the eyes
Mr. Emil saw Master Sawan Singh hugging the Master and saying that He had
done excellent work in the U.S.A.
27th Sept. Left Washington
by Eastern Air Lines at 7:15 a.m. Nearly all initiates in Washington came
to see Him off. Seeing their tears Master in all seeming innocence says
"This is a pathetic scene." What else could it be? He had, as if cut their
hearts out with a blunt knife and was taking their hearts away with Him.
The pain of the separation and the bewildering emptiness awaiting them
after His departure was ‘pathetic’. Landed at Boston Airport at 1:30 p.m.
where Baron Frary von Blomberg and Mrs. Hickie were waiting to receive
Him. The Baron took the Master in car and the rest of the party followed
in another car to Brunswick Hotel where a suite of rooms were taken for
the Master and separate rooms for the party. A Paul Twitchell and Annie
Trussel, new initiates, had accompanied the Master from Washington. At
3 p.m. a reception was given to the Master at the Baron’s House where several
heads of important movements and many officials, consulates of Germany,
Sweden and other countries, heads of business centres and many other important
people were present. There were three representatives of leading papers,
photographs were taken by press reporters. Here were over one hundred different
groups formed in Boston all striving to realise the Truth, nearly fifty
or more heads of these sort of groups were present with many other seekers
after the Truth at the Metaphysical Club, 739 Boylston Street to hear the
Master at 7:30 p.m. Master gave a lovely talk on Self Realisation. He also
said that as each and every one of us are striving to reach the same goal,
that is God, so because of that we should learn to sit together on a common
ground and work for the cause of God by becoming one in His name. The President
of the Club, Mos W. Lynde, introduced the Master in glowing terms.
28th Sept. The Baron had made
arrangements for the Master to be on the television, so this morning the
Master appeared on the T.V. and looked beautiful. After coming back from
the T.V. station Master gave initiation to the Baron and Mrs. Hickie in
His room. The Baron saw strong light and Mrs. Hickie blue sky and yellow
light and both of them heard the sound of bells. In the evening the Master
gave a talk in a large hall in a hotel. Many heads of the spiritual groups
came again to hear Him. Master said that there are many false masters in
the world. The world is full of them, so beware of them. Then He told them
how even He, himself as a seeker, was afraid of coming under the influence
of an ‘Imposter’. He said He used to pray to God with tears to lead Him
to ‘someone who was a REAL and TRUE MASTER’ and with eyes shining and His
Beloved and Beautiful face glowing with pride for His Sawan, he said, ‘I
was led to such a One!’ Then he told how Baba Sawan Singh Ji used to come
to Him seven years before He actually came face to face with Him physically.
Then He gave a brief talk on how you can come above the body consciousness.
After the talk Mrs. Hickie took the Master to her room (where she gives
lectures to her group) where nearly forty people were waiting to see the
Master, so the next hour was spent by Maharaj Ji answering questions. He
amazed everyone by His simpleness and guilelessness. Even without pausing
to think He started giving answers to their questions and to their entire
satisfaction. This really woke them up.
29th Sept. In the morning 33
out of those who had questioned Him last night came up for meditation.
All had experience except two who were doing breathing exercises. Six saw
the Master within. In the afternoon Master visited the Editor of the Atlantic
Monthly Magazine, a Mr. Edward Weeks, in his office. Master’s talk was
so convincing that Mr. Weeks straightway wanted some material for publication
in his magazine. He was given ‘Man Know Thyself’ and ‘Message of the Great
Master and His Ashram’. This evening He gave a talk on The Higher Values
of Life.
30th Sept. This morning 35
came for meditation. All had first hand wonderful experiences. At 9 a.m.
Master and His party left for Endicott Junior College, where He was asked
to give a talk to the girl students there. It was a beautiful sight 45
or more girls, sitting cross-legged or with legs folded under them, on
the ground and many teachers of the College and many others sitting on
chairs around them, and the Master. He was standing in front of them, looking
down at each one of them and smiling, His wonderful smile which melts the
icicles around dead hearts and brings them back to the warmth of life.
He told them that they were the budding hopes of the future. On them, He
said, depended the morality and greatness of Love which should come now
to the world to uplift it from the immorality which is spreading like a
fire and consuming all that is good and pure. He gave a beautiful talk
on LOVE. Then He said, ‘I will tell you some ways which if practised and
adopted will enable you to achieve wonderful progress in your educational
attainments. The first is - be cautious like a crow, always on the watch,
train your eyes and senses to be so sensitively alive that even before
a bad thought or company is thrust upon you, you should sense it like crow
who flies away to safety even before the hand is lifted to throw the stone
at him - so should you be sub-consciously ever on your guard to fly away
before any harm is done to you. The second is, be like a king-fisher, so
trained that seemingly passing your time in all affairs of life, but always
dexterously prepared to pick up all the good that comes in your way before
it is too late and slips past you. Be as quick as the king-fisher who seems
to be the laziest bird, but yet is so alert that the fish who comes to
take a breath of air, does not get time to even open its mouth, before
it is swallowed by the bird. The third is sleep like a dog. This remark
brought spontaneous laughter from the girl students, and Master with a
twinkle in His eye laughed softly with them. Then repeated ‘Yes, have sleep
like a dog, always wide awake like him even in sleep, train your body to
sleep and rest whilst you are wide-awake, so that you may get up and be
active for any kind of work straightaway and not snore away your valuable
time in quiet oblivion. Fourth is, you should be careful about your diet
and take only that which is necessary for your system, for food is made
for man to make the best use of it and remember always that man was not
made for eating only. Whatever food is digested gives strength and the
surplus, not digested, creates disease and makes you dull and lethargic.
Fifth is to be of good character, have a clean and chaste life in word,
deed and thought, for chastity is life and sexuality is death. Those qualifications
will ensure success as a student. After the talk all the students brought
out paper and pens for Master’s autographs. All seemed very excited and
thrilled to see and hear a Living Master. After that the Master was taken
to the Baron’s Summer House, 75 miles from Boston to escort the Master
up to New Hampshire. At the Baron’s house more than a hundred came to pay
their respects to the Master, the Governor of New Hampshire and the Ex-Governor
and many heads of departments and churches and the topmost gentry of Boston
were all present there. The Master spoke a few words to them and then the
press people came and took a lot of photographs and a television man came
too who took a movie film of the Master to be shown on the T.V. The Master
could not stay very long there for He was to talk at the hall in Brunswick
at 7.3 p.m. so left the Baron’s house at 6 p.m. In the evening He gave
a talk on the temple of God which He said is the manbody itself, a true
temple is not that which is built of stone and mortar, but a true temple
is this in which God resides and you reside. Then he spoke of the Kingdom
of God and of the opening of the inner eye. He said ‘You should learn to
die whilst living, then only an you say your coming to this world in a
human form has been of some value to you yourself.’
1st October. 60 people came
for meditation and all had wonderful experiences. In the afternoon Governor
of East Germany came to see the Master and the representative of the Pope
in U.S.A., a Roman Catholic Bishop came over too. The former wanted to
know the programme of the Master in Germany. This evening the farewell
talk which Master gave was too touching and cannot be put in words. It
can only be experienced, but you all in India have been through it, so
can understand, but for you all the thought that he will be back in five
of six months was a thought of great consolation in itself. But for these
poor people when Master said ‘Might be soon or might be in a few years,
if God be willing I might come again to America’. This ‘might’ that He
put in His promise of coming back to them dealt a mighty knock on their
poor hearts and senses. Master’s followers from all over America had come
by air or road to be with Him till the last minute of His stay in the States,
and all were there at the meeting all with tears streaming down their cheeks.
And what can be written of the Master tonight. He looked so beautiful that
radiation of His greatness shone tonight like blinding light. So much love
did he show as if he was taking everyone into his embrace and squeezing
the very life out and leaving the body numb and forgotten. Mr. and Mrs.
T.S. Khanna had also come from Washington. This was the only time when
they could not accompany the Master on the tour and was due to not getting
any further leave. Their love and devotion to the Master and the cause
was really great. Mr. Khanna used to work from morning till late in the
night, many used to get retired and go off home to sleep, but Khanna was
always by the side of the Master and always smiling. His faith in the Master
is great too. Many have insulted him and been very rude to him, but he
with his usual smile used to just say ‘This is a test, but my Master is
great and all love. He will not let any harm come near me.’ So it is, so
it always will be for his Master is really Great. Here I take the liberty
of thanking him from the people of India and all over the world for his
great love and faith, and for his selfless devotion and the way he worked
tirelessly by the side of the Master day by day and night by night, making
the Master’s stay comfortable and taking most of the work off His hands.
2nd October. 19 were initiated
today. All had experience. One saw Christ, one saw Buddha and six saw the
Master in radiant form. At 3 p.m. the Master and large number of followers
left for the airport. Baron Von Blomberg also came to see Him off. At 5
p.m. Master’s plane (he flew in a Pan American Airways plane) took off.
The last that was seen of the real America was the tears that flowed down
for the love of God, and the last sounds were the sobs which came out of
the true seekers’ hearts. May He be with them in this, their greatest plight
in misery. But as once the Master said, ‘A Master is like a potter who
moulds and turns and slaps down his hands on the clay, and then turns it
round and round to bring it to shape, but always does He keep one hand
under the pot he is making, so that it should not crack, so it is with
3rd October. Reached London
at 10 a.m. where Joseph Busby, Mrs. Eleanor Upton and many others came
to receive the Master at the airport. From the airport Master went straight
to Sussex to Mrs. Upton’s house where He is putting up for His stay in
England. In the evening some of Mr. Busby’s group came up to see the Master.
Joseph Busby is the Editor of the widely known paper, ‘The Voice’.
4th October. In the morning
initiation was given to Joseph Busby, Eleanor Upton and the wife of Sumpuren
Chib. Three people from Birmingham came up and sat for meditation too.
Mr. Busby has fixed two times for interviews, one at 3:30 p.m. and the
other at 7:30 p.m. Both the times Master gave talks on the Inner Path and
explained the positive and negative powers and their workings.
5th October. This morning some
people from the press came to interview the Master and took some photographs.
Then Master spent some time sorting letters. At 3 p.m. a Bishop came to
see the Master and a few others. He answered many questions and explained
the difference between an ecstasy feeling and actually seeing, and how
prayer is done and how effective it is when we can pray in the right way
- that is why even the Masters who are conscious coworkers pray to God
for the good of the people under His will. Then He explained how bad can
be the psychic influence and how different is the first-hand experience
of the beyond and what are the conscious contacts. He gave another talk
at 8 p.m. on the Love of God and love of man and threw light on the outer
aspects of social religions and the ultimate goal of them being God. Various
searching questions were answered by the Master.
The last report of Maharaj Ji’s
tour was sent on the 6th Oct. 1955, giving you news up to the 5th but as
will be seen from the above address He is today in Germany, but to go back
to Sussex, England, where He was staying at 8, Walting Road, Southwick.
6th. This morning at the meditation
Mrs. Upton had a wonderful experience, she saw the Master and His Master,
Baba Sawan Singh together and both, she said, were looking at each other
and laughing. At 3:30 p.m. He gave a talk in the sitting room, on Karma
Philosophy. In the evening at 7:30 p.m. the Master gave another talk on
the work of the Masters and the Values of Life.
7th. The whole of the morning
and afternoon Master spent opening letters and writing replies to them.
3 p.m. this afternoon Joseph Busby invited a selected group of people to
hear the Master, He gave them a talk on the ‘Kingdom of God’ and the ‘Inner
Man’ and the true life which should be realised and lived. The evening
talk at 7.30 p.m. was given as to how an initiated person ends his birth
and death on this earth, after that various searching, important and intricate
questions were put to the Master, which only a MASTER could answer, and
he did, to their entire satisfaction.
8th Oct. The morning was spent
by the Master with the correspondence and giving interviews. At 3 p.m.
a talk was given on all Holy Scriptures. Master said that all searchers
of the Truth and all realised souls have put down in these Holy books that
the highest aim of Life is to see God. If all have said that, then there
is no doubt that this must be and is the highest of all aims. But to achieve
this first and foremost thing is to meet a Master of this great science
- a man who has realised himself and realised God. He explained the use
of the past Masters as well as the present ones. The scriptures left by
the past masters contain the experiences they had with themselves and with
God. Reading these books creates an interest in man for spirituality and
so they are great helping factors. But the need of the present Master is
more important, for without a living Master you cannot learn the art of
transcending the body. He is the only one who can give you a first hand
experience. There are Masters and Masters, most of them can tell you only
how to perform certain rituals and ceremonies and how to say your prayers,
they can only give you what they have been able to master through the outward
observations but the Kingdom of God cannot be reached by these sort of
observations and ceremonies, for that lies within you. The teaching of
the Master of the science of the soul starts when He brings His disciple
up and above the body consciousness and by opening of the inner eye and
the inner ear to see the light of God and to hear the sound of God. He
connects him with the lowest link of Light and the Voice of God through
which the lost soul finds his way back to the true home of his Father.
He is a true Master who from the very first day initiates you to the beyond
and then step by step helps you and guides you up and does not leave you
till he has taken you to the true home.
9th Oct. - Sixteen men and
women were initiated by the Gracious Master this morning and all had experience,
two saw the Master and His Master, one asked Maharaj Ji why he looked so
very happy when he saw Him inside? Maharaj Ji looked surprised, He said,
‘Need you ask why? Well, did not you see me standing with my Master? -
that is why.’ At 2 p.m. the Master left for London, which is 53 miles from
Sussex and gave a talk, a very impressive one, at a Mr. Ahluwalia’s house,
these three hymns were explained: 1. Jag piari kahe ko sowey, 2. Soch
samajh abhimani, 3. Hansni chhano doodh aur pani.
10th Oct. - The Master’s power
is great, though outwardly was not a single man in England initiated by
him to spread His message to the people in England, but just by reading
about Him through the ‘Voice’, people have started coming in to see Him
from hundreds of miles and for initiation, so Master has been busy giving
interviews to those who have travelled far to see Him. This afternoon at
3 p.m. the Master gave a beautiful talk on LOVE. He said it is written
in the Bible and in all other holy books too, to ‘love thy God with all
thy heart and with all thy soul and with all thy mind’, this He said could
only arise when you can receive a spark of love radiated to you from somebody
who is a lover of God, here Master explained that a true lover of God is
he who has seen God and through love realized Him and loved Him so completely
that he became one with Him - God is, He said, Love, the soul is also love
but a God-man is love personified being in contact with God, so to be able
to love God one has to love a God-man first, with all his heart, mind and
soul, this is the only and the nearest approach to God a man can have on
this planet, if you become One with I, the God-man, then it is as if you
had become one with God, as St. Paul said, ‘It is I, not now I, but Christ
lives in me.’ When you become one with God-man then naturally God reflects
in you. For the love of God we love all holy scriptures as these contain
the words of wisdom given out by the God-men, certain places they visited
or lived in became holy and we started worshipping them, we build temples
in remembrances of them, for these temples, because of Their love of God,
became the Holy Temples of God; these temples places and books are in memory
of the past Masters and hold the works of Them, should have our love and
respect for always, but it is of no use to be just blind fanatics and worship
the valuable works of the realised souls, which are in book form, bowing
in front of them but not reading them, so that you could know something
of that which is the truth and then after careful study of the scriptures
to adopt the ways of them who wrote them. As all holy scriptures as you
cannot take a step back to God without the help of those who know the way
back, so go in search of that One who had traversed His way back to God
and knows how to lead you there too. But today, unfortunately, we have
placed these very holy books and places before that on whose remembrances
they were made, they were set up in sweet remembrance of the Lord, but
today we have completely forgotten Him and lay more value on the stone,
mortar, bricks and paper made by the hand of the man, these were made to
remember Him but to Him we have forgotten, God does not reside in the temples
etc. made by the hand of man, He resides in the body, the true temple of
God. ‘What is better of the two’, the Master asked, ‘a lot of stone, mortar
and bricks piled together, which we call a temple, or a God-man in whom
God is apparent?’ A Mohammedan saint tells us that all temples of the Hindus
and Muslims are the same and a God-man in whom God is of course effulgent
is better of the two. Master explained in detail how love is like a fire
which consumes all else and only the Beloved remains who with outstretched
arms is waiting for you to take you in His arms and make you One with Him.
The main idea behind all religious ceremonies etc. was to create love in
man but they are performing them as gymnastics to bring them nearer to
money than God. These sort of ceremonies will lead you nowhere in your
search of God.
A Rev. Stubbs, a minister of a Parish,
eighty miles from Sussex, drove down with his wife and his daughter to
hear the Master and many other seekers of the truth came over too. One
was the representative of the President of the Vegetarian Movement of the
World (the next World Conference of this movement is going to be held in
Bombay in 1956). Another was a representative of Swami Shiva Nanda, these
two had a long interview with the Master, who explained to them how God
can be realised without any imagination, presuppositions or visualization,
through the most natural Sahaj Yoga. One of them asked the Master what
is the philosophy of Karma and how the effects of Karma can be evaded?
Master explained that Karmas can only be evaded if one becomes selfless
and that can only be with the help of a Master who alone is competent to
wind up the whole Karmic accounts of the past and teach you how to become
selfless by becoming conscious co-worker with the Divine Plan. He further
explained how Masters are made, they are not self made, but are selected
as such by God, they are commissioned by God. On further questioning He
explained the different functions of the Masters of the Positive and Negative
Powers. Showed them the different working of spiritualism and spirituality,
and why spiritualism should be discarded. At 8 p.m. a talk was given on
various Yogas and the Master told the audience why Sahaj Yoga is most effective
and the most suited for the present age. Upon being asked He took up the
subject of the different functions of the masters of the Positive and Negative
Power - He gave a talk in detail giving out the difference of the two powers.
He said just as a King appoints two high officials and gives them the rank
of a viceroy and commander-in-chief, both derive power from the King and
are under the King and both represent him, but both have different ways
of issuing orders of the King, the viceroy says, ‘In the name of the king,
I order ...’ but the commander-in-chief has an entirely different way,
he says, ‘I order, that ...’, so it is with the Masters or the Positive
Power, the realised soul can see God working through them in all consciousness,
so their way of working is not only seeing in all consciousness, and then
working but making others, whoever come to them, see like they do and step
by step making them more and more conscious till they are one with all-consciousness.
But Master of the Negative Power, though at heart are conscious of deriving
power from God, but their functions of working are different, viz. they
come to punish the wicked and uphold the righteous and keep the world agoing,
they assert in that way. The Master further explained that their way of
working does in its own way a lot of good to the world at large, but they
would not let the people go out of their pale. Then He explained how those
initiated to the beyond by the Masters of the Positive Power rise above
all Karma and darkness into freedom and light, just like, He said, if you
have a passport from a civil officer, the military officers in charge will
not stop you to go out of the area, so it is with a Master, when he initiates,
through that initiation He gives that passport by which no one on the way
can question you or stop you on your way back to God.
11th Oct. Initiation was given
today to 15 people, including Rev. Stubbs and his family, and a Bishop
from London, all had first hand experience. In the afternoon at 3 p.m.
talk, questions of various nature were put to the Master by the Bishop
and others as to what is the fate of those who are initiated, and those
not initiated, will those who are initiated ever come back like the non-initiates
and many other questions were answered and in so beautiful and simple way
that every one felt more than satisfied. A question on which Master dwelt
at length was ‘What is an Immaculate Conception?’ The Master here gave
Jesus Christ, Nam Dev, Rama, Krishna and a few others as good examples
who, He said, ‘is not generally the law of nature, but we will not enter
into that at this time. If one can be born that way others can also be
born in the same way as has been claimed body the followers of certain
Masters.’ An immaculate conception may be taken as that when devout and
righteous parents live a chaste life for as long as the child is in womb,
not only in deed but in thought too, for thoughts of parents effect the
child, when in the womb, more than deeds done passionlessly. Such fortunate
children when born have a pure, clear and well balanced mind. Here Master
referred to His younger days that when a child was born, He and His brothers
and sisters never could fathom out where from had the baby come, but they
used to be easily satisfied when told that the midwife had left the baby
as a present. He said, ‘even up to my own marriage day I never knew what
actually marriage meant.’ Today people have and are taking up marriage
as a machinery of enjoyment, whereas this marriage, in the true sense,
is a holy and sacred mission in life where two souls unite together to
help each other to realise the higher self and make this marriage bind
them together in truth and ‘Yes’, he said, ‘one of the duties of the parents
is also to beget children.’ So if married life is lived as is written in
the Holy Scriptures, such a married life is no bar to spirituality. Another
question was put, ‘How are Masters made and how they can be recognised?’
Maharaj Ji said that all Masters are commissioned by God for His great
work on this earth, to recognise a Master is not difficult they being conscious
co-workers are naturally not after worldly show, as they see that God works
through them they are truly very humble, they live very simple life and
on their own earnings. Though they look like ordinary people they are Kings
of all Kings within, as Shamas Tabriz says, ‘Do not look to the outer appearance,
how we look , what we wear, look within us, see what great riches we have
got, what great beings we are!’ the seekers after truth are led to His
door by God and the Master usually never refuses any of them who are in
search in all sincerity. Just like a washerman who generally accepts all
the dirty clothes, knowing it is his profession to wash away all dirt and
bring out the whiteness of the linen similarly masters look at the souls
within, as it is their profession to liberate the soul from the bondage
of the mind and matter, they too generally never refuse to wash away all
the sins for they can see, like a washerman, that the soul is something
different to what it appears to be, so they start their washing on it too,
till they have brought it to its true colour. ‘The Masters are all along
conscious of God,’ Maharaj Ji said, ‘working or sleeping, they are always
conscious of God.’ Another man asked ‘Who made God?’ - Master very beautifully
put a question to that man, ‘Can a child ever know how his father was born
himself?’ He said the wisest thing to do if you want to save yourself is
to get out of the house which is being consumed by fire, if when in a burning
house you start questioning and investigation as to the cause of the fire,
the result will be you with the house will be consumed in that fire even
before getting any enlightenment as to your Whats and Hows. So, He said,
‘get out of the burning house and then inquire.’ To the question as to
why we do not remember our past lives and how we can know about it, the
Master explained that is was possible only when we can come up to the causal
body, there have been instances, He said, where many children have remembered
their past lives. Someone else asked he Master if there was a possibility
of One World Religion - He said, because of not really seeing the truth
and having different temperaments it is very nearly impossible that the
world can ever have one religion, but it is not only possible, it is a
surety that we can have it, only by the opening of the inner eye and seeing
the truth with your own eyes we can see we are one in His name. The world
is today struggling hard to shake off the delusion it is going in and is
trying hard to awaken itself to the truth and men are coming up feeling
the necessity of unity. To the statement made by one that the world is
awaiting the coming of Messiah - Master said, ‘Awaiting? But did not Christ
say that he will never leave the world even to the end of the world?’ Then
Master explained that Christ was no particular body, it was that which
was working in him that made Jesus a ‘Christ’ and is still in this world,
it appears at different poles to give enlightenment to the world. To ‘Christ
came as a World Saviour’, Master said, all Masters come as World Saviours
not as saviours of one religion or the other or this country or the other,
but they come to save the souls of all the world race. To the question
"Can a woman ever become a Saint?" Master said, this is the science of
the soul and souls have no sex, they can come up to realize God just as
Indemati, etc., did in India. But woman, He said being less externalized
go up quicker in the beginning whereas men having many irons in the fire
have a difficult time in the beginning to concentrate but later on it is
easier for them than woman. At 8 p.m. meeting, a follower of Yogananda
put a question to the Master by which Master had to give a talk on various
Yogas and explained why Surat Shabd Yoga is the best and easiest for this
age. To the question as to why is it that new people are drawn like iron
to the magnet - from hundreds of miles and yet some people living nearby
are not even interested. Master said this thing can be explained away easily,
say that there is a hen and a duck’s egg is placed under her with lots
of other eggs of hen, when the eggs are hatched and the chickens one day
go near the pond of water, naturally seeing the water the duck plunges
into it. Seeing this the chickens cry out in alarm saying you will drown,
so it is when the seekers of the truth are shown a glimpse of the truth
they leave everything else and plunge headlong into it, whilst the family
and friends mostly seekers of the worldly pleasure cry out in sympathy.
Moreover, pieces of iron besmeared with mud are not drawn by a magnet,
these are drawn only when the mud is, or to be more appropriate, the dust
and rust is cleansed away.
12th Oct. - At 3 p.m. a talk
was given and light thrown on many intricate questions. 8 p.m. more questions
on the Holy Ghost, God, on ethical life, on cosmic rays and what happens
to the initiate when they transcend and go up to higher plane. Master gave
a beautiful talk on all these questions and clarified their doubts to their
satisfaction, but Master also said that intellectual inferences, feelings
and emotions are dangerous things for they are seldom right, so as seeing
is considered above all, every seeker of truth should see for himself if
he wants to succeed in reaching God, rather than depend on another person’s
version. ‘Blessed are they whose eyes are opened by a Master.’
13th Oct. - All day Master
attended to the correspondence. In the evening He gave a farewell talk
to a large gathering, mostly all initiates were present. He told them,
that the priceless treasure of experience they had on initiation should
be safeguarded and increased day by day till they had reached back to God,
He said Chastity of not only deed but through thought and word should be
kept and love for all, all anger for the ills done to you should be forgotten
and forgiven, for ill feelings against people keep our soul from going
upward and our attentions is expanded. If love and goodwill toward everyone
and chastity of thought was adopted then they would be great helping factors
to the progress on the way up and regular devotion of time and self discipline
will ensure progress. He told them that those who have the commandments
and keep up to them, they are really and truly the true ones who really
love the Master, these are the ones whom the Father also loves. They have
the Master’s love and He manifests Himself to them so becomes their companion
forever consciously. He asked each of them to live up to what they have
been told and carry the message far and wide so that the seekers after
Truth should again be regenerated with hope that spirituality or the Kingdom
of God can be contacted within. It is no mere rigmarole but hard and true
facts. Maharaj Ji said that the awakening of the search is coming up, it
can be seen in the forms of conferences and religious congresses, but they
do not know where to turn to, so it was the duty of all to help others
to bring them nearer the Path of the Masters for until life was enthused
into them there can be no cementing them to this high task they have taken
up for one common cause. Mr. Busby and Mrs. Upton as Editor and Manageress
of the widely known spiritual paper ‘Voice’ have done great work in their
own way; but the time has come when the Master’s work in its true form
should be made known to the true seekers all over the world so He asked
Mr. Busby and Mrs. Upton specially to do their best for all humanity. Then
He looked at the faces around Him so full of sorrow at the idea of bidding
their Lord farewell and said that the Master Power never leaves the initiate
it will always be with them, will never leave them.
14th Oct. - Correspondence
attended to nearly the whole day. Master had no talks this evening.