Update Oct05 - If you just want the JPG files they are available on the Image CD.

Update 20mar04 - new text in red ,  a new photo lab is being used due to closure of the previous and costs
 have changed.

Update: 27feb04 - new text in blue

Update: 28dec03 - Johannes has been cleaning up the slide images before they are printed. With over 1000 slides this will delay availability until early 2004. The dollar continues to decline against the euro and is now at about $1.25 US = $1 Euro. This will affect the cost of slide sets.

November 15, 2003
To dear sisters and brothers in Master

1. Where do the slides come from?

During our stay in Dehradun, India in 2002, some faithful Indian initiates had shown us, among other things, the slides which late Harcharan Singh Ji had collected over the years and used for satsangs. Those slides appeared to be in a very bad shape. Covered with dust and fungus on quite a few, it would be just a matter of time for them to be completely destroyed. The Indian brothers, sad about the condition of their beloved Master’s pictures, asked us: "Do you think anything could be done to prevent them from further deteriorating?" As certain techniques are not available in India, they gave us the slides to take them back to Germany for preservation.

2. How were the slides treated?

After thoroughly browsing the internet we came to the conclusion that the slides could indeed be washed in a special cleansing solution, provided by Kodak. However, this solution is not available on the European market. Jim Alexander kindly helped us out and bought two bottles of the liquid in Atlanta. During the following months, Claudia and Anne worked on the slides by first removing the old mounts, then cleaning them in the special solution, drying, remounting and numbering them and finally filing their contents in a long detailed list, with the help of Charlie Fulcher, who managed to identify on them quite a number of people and places. Cross references to similar slides, the enlargement of a certain slide or a certain series of slides (e.g. Master in a chair) are also given in this list.

3. The contents

Total number of slides: 1090

a) 34 slides are with Baba Sawan Singh Ji

b) approx. 1030 slides are with Sant Kirpal Singh Ji, out of which 300 slides are with Master alone. 2/3 of those slides had been taken in India, 1/3 during His world tours

c) some slides were taken of Master’s handwritings, certificates and awards

4. Quality

Those are old slides, not to be compared with the technical standards of our time (no studio quality!). However, 2/3 of the slides are in good quality, the remaining 1/3 consist of half fair and half less than fair (out-of-focus, damaged) quality.

Brief overview
Topic Slide- No.
Baba Sawan Singh Ji 1-34
Master in the 40’s and 50’s 35-70
Master solo in India (>50’s) 71-189
Master solo - places? 190-220
Master in India 60’s 221-269
Master in India 70’s 270-395
Sawan Ashram 70’s 396-458
Manav Kendra 459-506
Unity of Man, Delhi Feb 1974 507-663
June 74 664-739
July/August 74 740-747
August 74 748-793
1st World Tour 794-821
2nd World Tour 822-866
3rd World Tour 867-1068
Different photos in India 1069-1083
Master’s Handwritings removed due to
poor reproduction quality
Awards and honors given to Master 1084-85

5. Copies from slides

Available are copies of the complete set of Harcharan Singh’s slides only. After Kodak closed their central laboratory in Germany, the copies will be made from a private company in Germany at a price of 0,72 eurocents per slide, in a perfect quality. The complete set of 1085 unmounted slides will thus be 780 Euros, or 975 US $ (March 2004: 1 Euro = 1,25 US $) respectively.

If you would prefer the slides mounted (at 0,83 eurocents each), the complete set of 1085 mounted slides will be 900 Euros, or 1125 US $.

How to order

In case you are interested, please contact me by e-mail or postal mail. For payment, send an international money order.

It will not be possible to select certain slides or a part thereof, as all this individual handling is very much time consuming, and we just can’t do that.

7. Scanned slides on CDs

Currently, we are also in a process of having all slides scanned. The scanning is done professionally with a Nikon Coolscan III, at a resolution of 2700 dpi, output will be in TIF-format originals (27 MB). This resolution equals the resolution of the slide itself, thus it will be possible to reproduce slides from each scanned image at any time later on. This will also be the data-format to make print-outs from.

Further we will convert the TIF-format images to JPEG-format for easy viewing on the computer screen (1024*768 resolution) with a file-size of 500 KB or less.

Meanwhile we have done  considerable color and damage correction to the scans. A CD will be added free to each order when shipped, containing the original scans in low resolution, for reference.


We are using the new super-azo Verbatim Datalife Pro-CDs with a warranty of 500 years …


In TIF-format (2700 dpi-scans), 25 slides will fit on 1 CD (700 MB), thus 1 complete set will be of approx 40 CDs. Including a share for the scanning process, the complete set of 40 CDs will be 40 US $.

NEW: All scans are also available now on 7 DVDs, which will be 30 US $.

In JPEG-format (< 500 KB), probably all slides will fit on 1 CD (700 MB). Included will be a slide-show program module, which is not copyrighted. Including a share for the scanning process, the CD will be 8 US $.

How to order

In case you are interested, please contact me by e-mail or postal mail. Payment should be cash (letter) to: Johannes Haedrich, Ringstr. 5, 79252 Stegen, Germany.

CD-Orders can be placed any time from now.


Kindly indicate if you would like your slides or CDs by surface or air mail. You will be notified of the postage later on, which you can easily send cash through a letter.

 With Love in HIM

Claudia, Johannes and Anne

Claudia & Johannes Haedrich, Ringstr. 5, 79252 Stegen, Germany, JHaedrich@t-online.de

Anne Bauer, Stresemannstr. 70, 76187 Karlsruhe, Germany, Anne.speedmail@t-online.de