With folded hands I pray: hear, O Ocean of Mercy!
Grant me the gifts of compassion, humility, knowledge and happiness,
in the company of the saints.
Kabir with thoughts fixed on Thy lotus feet prays,
0 Guru! tell me about the True Path of the saints.What should I ask of Thee? for I feel greatly ashamed,
I commit sins of which Thou art a veritable witness: how then can ! please Thee?
While I have all the faults in me, Thou art all goodness,
If I may forget Thee, I pray that Thou mayest not forget.0 Lord! May I never forget Thee even in the midst of millions,
You can have many like me, but for me there is none beside Thee,
If I were to forget Thee, where should I get shelter?
I cannot give my heart to others--Siva, Virancha orNarda.With all my faults, do not get angry with me, the Master doth forgive
the lapses of his servant;
Forgetful Kabir is all tainted vile,
But the Master has a loving heart.I am steeped in sins, sins without number,
It is for Thee to forgive me or to kill me,
Forgive, forgive and again forgive, O Forgiver Divine,
An ever erring child I am, but I depend on the Father's Grace.
Thou art the abode of infinite virtues with no vice whatever,
But when I search my own self, I find myself full of all ills.
There is not a single virtue in me, listen O Master Divine !
It is through the Power of Thy Word that I am honored everywhere.
I am all false, while the Lord is Sterling Truth,
Full of sins as I am, O save me if Thou wilt.Born with a thistle in my flesh, full of all evils I am,
Thou art the great Donor and Savior, O save me right.
O save me right for I am caught in a great whirlpool,
And shall be carried away by the strong current if Thou dost not take hold of me.For other sinners Thou art a well of refreshing waters,
but I am an ocean of sins,
I only depend on the Word of the Master, hear O Merciful One,
I know not what love is, nor have I any other virtue,
I wonder, how will I have the love of my Beloved?
If I meet the Master, I shall cry out my anguish,
With my head on His feet, I shall speak out my mind.
Permeating all, Thou art immanent in every form,
If I have to leave Thee off, who else will ferry me across?The ocean of life is too deep to be measured and sketched,
With thy mercy, O merciful One, I may get a footing.
Full of all evil, I have nothing to boast of and am hard of heart,
But Perfect as my Master is, He can land me ashore.
O my Perfect Master! take a firm hold of me,
And lead me to the goal with no break on the way.
Grant me the gift of devotion, O my Munificent One!
I wish for naught, save a ceaseless service unto Thee.
Master! Thou art generous and merciful,
I am drowning in mid-stream, take me over to the shore.How can the love between Thee and me sever!
As the leaf of the lotus abides in the water, so dost Thou in Thy servant;
As the night-bird chakor gazes at the moon all the night o'er,
So do I my Lord, thy servant;
From the beginning of time until the ending of time,
there is love between Thee and me,
How can such love be extinguished?
Kabir therefore says: As the river plunges into the ocean,
so doth my heart in Thee.