Sat Sandesh

1968 - 1976

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As of January 2022, the entire set of Sat Sandesh booklets have been re-scanned and new PDFs have been created. The new PDFs give improved search ability, the original fonts have been identified as best as possible so that the pages in the new PDFs look like the originals, and images within the booklets have been improved to the extent possible.  In addition, new full year editions have been created as each year was improved. The year at the top of each column below links to the new annual edition.

In addition, all of the booklets images have been extracted from the PDFs and improved as best as possible working with the original halftone printing. Their main folder is here:  Sat Sandesh Images  See the spreadsheet (Sat Sandesh Images.xlsx) for a list of the images and captions if they are available. Each image's file name is based on the year, month, and page on which it is found. (the spreadsheet also explains the naming system) The images themselves are then found in separate folders by year: 1968 - 1976.

Index: Sorted by Title
Index: Sorted by Volume Number
Index: Sorted by Author with title

1968 1969 1970 1971 1972 1973 1974 1975 1976
Jan Jan Jan Jan Jan Jan Jan Jan Jan
Feb Feb Feb Feb Feb Feb Feb Feb Feb
Mar Mar Mar Mar Mar Mar Mar Mar Mar
Apr Apr Apr Apr Apr Apr Apr Apr Apr
May May May May May May May May May
Jun Jun Jun Jun Jun Jun Jun Jun Jun
Jul Jul* Jul Jul Jul Jul Jul Jul Jul
Aug Aug Aug Aug Aug Aug Aug Aug Aug
Sep Sep Sep Sep Sep Sep Sep Sep Sep
Oct Oct Oct Oct Oct Oct Oct Oct Oct
Nov Nov Nov Nov Nov Nov Nov Nov Nov
Dec Dec Dec Dec Dec Dec Dec Dec Dec

* June and July 1969 are a combined issue

These new revised editions are a labor of love by
a devotee of our Beloved Master.

Feb 2022