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ABDULLAH: Disciple of Hazrat Mian Mir, a great saint
ACHAR: Personal conduct
AHAR: Diet
AHIMSA: Non-violence; non-injury
AKASHBANI: Heavenly Music; NAAM; Word
ANIMA: The power to become invisible to external eyes; one of the eight sidhis
ARTHA: Economic or material well-being; one of the four spheres of human activity
ASHRAMS: The four stages in life, as envisioned by the ancients
ASHTAVAKRA: A great rishi of old
ATAM GUNAS: Attributes of soul
ATMAN: Spirit
AVTARAS: Incarnations
BABA FARID: (1173-1265) A Muslim Divine
BABER: The first Mughal King of India
BAHISHT: Paradise
BAIKUNTH: Paradise
BANG-I-ASMANI: Heavenly Sound; Word
BHAGWAT: One of the eighteen Hindu Puranas
BHAI BHIKAR:I A devotee of the Sikh Gurus
BHAI MANI SINGH: A devotee of the Sikh Gurus
BHAJAN: Listening to Heavenly Music within
BRAHMAND: A Grand Division of Creation, involving three planes
BRAHMANS: Priests; the highest of the four Hindu castes
BRAHMCHARYA: The practice of celibacy; also, first of the four ashrams, the stage of education
BUDDHA: The Awakened or Enlightened One; Seer of the Inner Light. Title given to Prince Siddhartha Gautama (583-463 B.C.), founder of the Buddhist religion
DARVESH: Muslim term for mystic or God-man
DEVAS: Gods, divine beings
DHARITRASHTRA, KING: Blind ruler of the Mahabharata age
DHARMA: Moral or religious basis upholding and supporting the Universe; life-principle; group karmas of society or nation
DHARMA-KAYA: Essence of the Universe; body pulsating with Life Principle
DHYAN: Meditation; contemplation
DO JANMA: Twice born
ERAF: Purgatory
FANA-FI-SHEIKH: Self-effacement in the Murshid or Master
GARIMA: The power to make the body heavy as one wishes; one of the eight sidhis
GREHASTHA: Householder; one of the four ashrams
GUNAS: The three qualities: Sava (purity), Rajas (activity), and Tamas (inertia)
GURBANI: Writings of the Sikh Masters or Adi Granth; esoterically, Shabd or Word
GURBHAKTA: A devotee of the Guru
GURU: Spiritual teacher or Master; literally, dispeller of darkness or torchbearer
GURU ARJAN (1563-1606): Fifth Guru of the Sikhs
GURU GOBIND SINGH: (1666-1708) Tenth Guru of the Sikhs
GURU NANAK: (1469-1539) First Guru of the Sikhs
HADI: Guide
HAZRAT MIAN MIR: A Muslim mystic, contemporary with Guru Arjan
HAZUR BABA SAWAN SINGH JI (1858-1948): The Supreme Master of the present living Master, Kirpal Singh
HUMAYUN: King Baber's son
ISHTWA: The power to attain all glories for the self
JAGAT GURU: Spiritual Master of the world; universal Master
JAPJI: An epitome of the Sikh Scriptures (online)
JIVA: Soul when encased by any or all of the three bodies: physical, astral, or causal
JIVAN MUKAT: Liberated soul
JIVAN MUKTI: Liberation from the cycle of births and deaths while living in the physical body; true Salvation
KABIR (1398-1518): A great poet-saint, contemporary with Guru Nanak
KALMA or KALM-I-QADIM: Audible Life Stream; Sound Current; Word
KAMA: Passion; desire; one of the four spheres of human activity
KARAM: Kindness, mercy, compassion, grace
KARMA-REHAT: Doing Karma in accordance with the Divine Plan; being actionless in action
KARMAN-SRIRA: Karmic shell or subtle body
KSHATRIYAS: Warriors and rulers; the second of the four Hindu castes
KINNARS: A class of angels
KRISHNA, LORD: A great Hindu Incarnate of ancient times, whose teachings are expounded in the Bhagavad Gita
KRIYAMAN: Karmas one performs freely in present earth life, which will make or mar the future; willful actions
KUKARMAS: Evil deeds
KURVAS: One of the parties in the great battle of Mahabharata
LACHIMA: The power to make one's body as light as one wishes; one of the eight sidhis
MAHIMA: The power to extend one's body to any size; one of the eight sidhis
MAULANA RUMI: (1207-1273) A Persian Saint, author of Masnavi
MAYA: Illusion
MOKSHA: Salvation; liberation from the cycle of births and deaths; one of the four spheres of human activity
MUNI: Sage or holy man
MURSHID or MURSHID-I-KAMIL: Muslim term for Spiritual Master or perfect guide
NAAM: Word; Logos; Sound Current; the creative aspect of God; God in action
NADIR SHAH: A King of Persia who massacred Delhi
NASHEDH: Degrading, derogatory karmas
NEH-KARMA: Doing Karma in accordance with the Divine Plan, as a conscious co-worker with the Power of God; actionless in action
NETYA: Required Karmas
NISH-KAMA KARMA: Karma performed without any attachment to or desire for the fruits thereof
PANDIT: One learned in Hindu Scriptures
PIND: Physical universe; physical body; the lowest and least spiritual division
PINDI MANAS: Bodily mind
PRAKAYMA: The ability to fulfill wishes of others; one of the eight sidhis
PRAKRITIS: Twenty-five manifestations of nature
PRALABDHA: Luck, fate, destiny; that Karma which caused our present life, and which has to be worked off before death
PRAPTI: The power to get anything one likes by mere wishing; one of the eight sidhis
PRASHCHIT: Repentance
PURANAS: Hindu Scriptures
RAJA JANAK: A great saintly king of ancient India
RAJA PRIKSHAT: A Hindu king of old
RAJAS GUNA or RAJOGUN: One of the three gunas; the quality of activity; middle course, business-like fashion, give and take
RAJSIC: Pertaining to Rajas guna; as applied to diet, energy-producing
RAMA, LORD: A great Hindu Incarnate and hero of the Ramayana
RAM CHARITRA MANSA: Hindi Ramayana by Tulsi Das (sixteenth century)
RIDHIS: Supernatural powers
RISHI: Sage or seer; usually refers to God-men of ancient times, such as those who compiled the Hindu Scriptures
SADH or SADHU: Disciplined soul; saint; popularly, wandering ascetic
SADHANS: Spiritual, mental and physical exercise
SAKYA MUNI: One of the titles of Lord Buddha
SANCHIT: Stored Karmas SANT Saint; one who has united with God
SANT SATGURU or SATGURU: Master of the Highest Order; Perfect Master; God-man
SANYAS: One of the four ashrams; the stage of a spiritual pilgrim
SATSANG: Discourse of a perfect Master; congregation presided over by such a Master or His representative; contact with a Master, on the outer or inner planes; literally, association with Truth
SATSANGIS: Disciples of a perfect Master
SATVA GUNA or SATOGUN: One of the three gunas or qualities; pure living with mental equipoise
SATVIC: Pertaining to Satva guna; harmonious, tranquil; as applied to diet, those foods which produce harmony and tranquility, i.e., strictly vegetarian foods
SAUDHYAYA: Reading of scriptural texts
SIDHIS: The eight extraordinary yogic powers
SIMRAN: Remembrance; esoterically, repetition of the Names of God
SUDRAS: The lowest of the four Hindu castes; manual laborers and servants of the upper three
SUKAMA: Good desires
SUKARMAS: Upgrading karmas
SURAT: Attention; the expression of the Soul
SURAT SHABD YOGA: Absorption in Holy Word or Sacred Sound; the esoteric spiritual practice of merging with the Absolute by uniting (Yoga) the expression of the soul (surat) with the expression of God (Shabd, Naam, or Word)
SWADHARM: Action in inaction
SWAMI RAM TIRATH: God-realized person of recent times
SWARAG: Paradise
TAMAS GUNA or TAMOGUN: One of the three gunas or qualities; inertia or dullness; inferior way; living purely for one's selfish ends with no thought of others
TAMSIC: Pertaining to Tamas guna; inert, dull; as applied to diet, those foods which promote inertia and weigh down the soul, such as meat, fish, eggs, liquor
TAPAS: Austerities
TATHA ASTU: "May it be so," Amen; said at close of prayer in India
TATWAS: Creative and component elements; earth, water, fire, air, ether
UND: The second division of Creation, just above the physical; the astral plane
UPAS: Legendary tree of multitudinous desires
VAIRAGYA: Detachment
VAISHYAS: Those engaged in commerce or agriculture; third of the four Hindu castes
VANPRASTHA: Ascetic, hermit; one of the four ashrams
VARNS: Social orders; the four Hindu castes
VASHITWA: The power to bring others under one's influence and control; one of the eight sidhis
VEDAS: The four most holy Hindu Scriptures
VIHAR: Dealings, social conduct
VIKARMAS: Prohibited actions
YAJNAS: Sacrifices
YAKSHAS: A class of angels
YAMA: Angel of Death